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[ MULTI ] Destiny

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Donnerstag, 29. April 2010, 14:12



Bungie and Activision Announce Exclusive, Worldwide Partnership.

The story of Bungie is wild, winding, and full of majestic wonder. We’ve treaded many pathways over these last nineteen years. But for all the twists and turns we’ve taken, we’re still doing what we set out to do from the beginning, back when the whole of “Bungie Software Products Corporation” consisted of two friends operating out of a basement in Chicago:

Making kick ass games that we want to play.

And as Bungie has grown, the industry’s best and brightest have been totally accretive to our own creative margins. It’s no secret that while the full might of our studio has focused on making Halo: Reach, another core team, led by our co-founder and Studio Creative Director, Jason Jones, has already begun laying the groundwork to bring our newest universe, stories, and characters to life.

Today, we’re poised to open a new chapter in Bungie’s history—one that begins with a partnership between Bungie and Activision and ends where we always knew it would, with World Domination. Our Next Big Thing now has a concrete path, leading from our studio to the platforms of our choosing. The business formalities are behind us. Our Constitution remains unchanged. We are still Bungie, still independent, and now we are free to bring our stories to an ever bigger audience.

Next up, the most ambitious game we’ve ever made, Halo: Reach. Built upon ten years of experience developing the Halo franchise, we’ve assembled the best team, the best technology, and the best talent to ensure that Reach is the game our fans deserve. Strap in and buckle up tight, we’re sending our baby out with a bang.

Once the smoke clears, all the pieces will finally be in place for Step 7. Don’t worry, though. We won’t let World Domination go to our heads. We’re gonna keep making kick ass games on our own terms, and since you’ve been so supportive throughout the years, we’d love to bring you along for the ride.



10-Year Alliance Expands Global Reach for Leading Game Developer Across Multiple Platforms

Kirkland, WA and Santa Monica, CA – April 29, 2010 -- Bungie, the developer of blockbuster game franchises including Halo, Myth and Marathon, and Activision, a wholly owned subsidiary of Activision Blizzard, the #1 online games publisher (Nasdaq: ATVI), announced today that they have entered into an exclusive 10-year partnership to bring Bungie’s next big action game universe to market. Under the terms of the agreement, Activision will have exclusive, worldwide rights to publish and distribute all future Bungie games based on the new intellectual property on multiple platforms and devices. Bungie remains an independent company and will continue to own their intellectual property. Additional terms of the agreement were not disclosed.

The groundbreaking alliance will provide Bungie its first such partnership since splitting off from Microsoft in 2007, significantly broadening its global reach by providing the resources and support to develop, distribute and release games worldwide on multiple platforms and devices.

Activision will broaden its portfolio with a new franchise from one of the industry’s most creative, successful and proven studios, whose games have sold more than 25 million units worldwide. To date, Bungie’s Halo games have generated approximately $1.5 billion in revenues, according to The NPD Group, Charttrack and GfK. Activision expects this agreement to be accretive to its operating margins as of the release of the first game.

“We chose to partner with Activision on our next IP because of their global reach, multi-platform experience and marketing expertise,” said Harold Ryan, President of Bungie. “From working together over the past nine months on this agreement, it is clear that Activision supports our commitment to giving our fans the best possible gaming experiences.”

“Bungie is one of the premier studios in our industry and we are extremely pleased to have the opportunity to work with their talented team over the next decade,” stated Thomas Tippl, Chief Operating Officer of Activision Blizzard. “Bungie has developed some of the most compelling and successful games, multiplayer experiences and thriving fan communities, and this alliance underscores our long-standing commitment to foster the industry’s best creative talent. Our unprecedented partnership with Bungie will enable us to broaden our pipeline of exciting new games as we continue to strengthen our industry position and pursue long-term growth opportunities.”

Oh mann Bungie :/ Die reinste Enttäuschung, wäre mir sogar lieber, wenn das Spiel exklusiv auf Sony Konsole erscheint.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Hypertrooper« (16. Februar 2013, 13:55)


Donnerstag, 29. April 2010, 15:47

Gibs eigentlich ein Grund warum die nicht bei MS geblieben sind? Activision find ich nicht so gut, naja vll mischen die sich nicht ein und Bungie kann Größenteils eigenständig arbeiten/bleiben.


Donnerstag, 29. April 2010, 16:02

Ich weiß gar nicht was du zu Jammern hast, Hyper ?(


Aus dem Pressetext:
Der Deal ermöglicht Bungie laut Pressetext vollständige kreative Freiheit und gewährt Activision weltweite exklusive Publishingrechte auf alle Bungie-Spiele für die nächsten zehn Jahre.

Hört sich doch gut an. Okay, es ist Activision. Aber die jetzt immer als Buhmann darzustellen ist auch nicht richtig IMO.


Donnerstag, 29. April 2010, 17:45

Liegt wohl daran, dass Activision seit Jahren nur schlechte Namen macht. Wir werden sehen, bin auf das erste Spiel gespannt.



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Samstag, 1. Mai 2010, 13:02

dann kauf keine spiele mehr von Activision und fertig. ;)


Freitag, 30. Juli 2010, 18:55


Bungies Multi-Platform Project may not be a Shooter

When Bungie announced in April that it was at work on a brand new intellectual property, the big shocker, naturally, was that games based on that property would be published by Activision, effectively committing the once Microsoft-owned studio to platforms beyond the Xbox 360. But there was a smaller, subtler surprise to be found in the phrasing of the press release: the new IP is an ‘action game universe’.

To anybody halfway familiar with Bungie’s output over the past decade, the ambiguity was a little telling. Just ‘action game’, then, guys? Not ‘first-person shooter’ or even ‘shooter’ full stop?

Chatting with VGD at a Halo: Reach preview event yesterday, Campaign Designer Niles Sankey has confirmed that Bungie is now exploring beyond the bounds of the genre it helped popularise. He was unable or unwilling to say, however, if any particular kind of experience had taken the studio’s fancy.

‘I can’t talk to you about genres at all, unfortunately,’ Niles told us, ‘I can just tell you what are philosophies at Bungie are, whether you’re looking at Halo, or even before that looking at Marathon or Myth – the studio fundamentally starts out by building and crafting a universe, that we think is rich and interesting and has depth to it and then we proceed to tell stories and build games in this universe, and that’s exactly how we’re focussing on our next ten years.

‘You can look forward to us carrying forward a lot of the core pillars of our studio, and integrating them into our future projects, but we’re not quite ready to pin down a genre yet.’

Bungie hasn’t left its fans totally in the dark, however. The studio helpfully announced via a job listing earlier this year that it was looking for writers who specialise in ‘branching or non-linear narrative experiences’, together with a ‘Player Investment Designer’ who will ‘give players long term goals to invest them in the world and their character’.

According to Gamespot, all this pongs strongly of action role-playing game. For our part, we don’t think branching storylines and character/world investment are the sole province of RPGs, but there’s no denying that the two go hand in hand rather often.

Look out for our thoughts on Halo: Reach itself in a jiffy.



Montag, 23. August 2010, 23:01


Bungie visit complete. Their next game looks a lot like Geometry Wars.


Oh. Kann es kaum bis 2011 erwarten. Ich hoffe das Spiel wird auch auf der GamesCom vertreten sein. Wieder mit Brian treffen und paar Bier trinken. ^^


Mittwoch, 6. Oktober 2010, 18:57


There was no way around it. Sometime at Joseph Staten's talk this morning at GDC Online, titled "Writing the Whirlwind," somebody would ask a question about Bungie's next project. Bungie's writer and design director knew it was coming, too, and had already warned the audience at the beginning of the session that he wouldn't say word one about the developer's plans for its first post-Halo game.

But Staten just couldn't help himself.

After lamenting that Bungie spent ten years creating a mega-universe that players only experienced for six to eight hours at a time (he's only talking about the single-player campaign here, of course), he dropped this wonderfully cryptic springboard for debate: "Wouldn't it be great if we could make a world that was always there for you?"

So, what does that mean? It sounds like Bungie wants to make sure that after it does the heavy lifting with world building, the player then gets the keys to the proverbial kingdom. Could this be a persistent universe without a set beginning and end, where players control the course of the narrative rather than following a set story with a three act structure? Staten offered nothing else, but it was enough to set the speculation machine in motion.

Read more: http://uk.xbox360.ign.com/articles/112/1…l#ixzz11bAmQEhR



Donnerstag, 4. August 2011, 20:44

Bungie's 20th Anniversary ViDoc. Eine Stunde lang. Wenn ihr die Geschichte von Bungie nicht kennt, lohnt sich es nochmehr.

Desweiteren möchte ich kurz aufmerksam machen auf den Blog eines Freundes. In seinen Blogeintrag "Waiting for Destiny" fasst er alle Informationen zu Bungie neues Spiel zusammen:

The news stems from Bungie's 20th anniversary video titled "O Brave New World," which released today and speaks about the developer's history and future. In addition to offering the codename for the project, the developers teased the new project further.

"You feel responsible for not just telling an isolated story, but for building a universe that at some point is going to become more the fans' than it is ours," said a Bungie staffer. "It's going to take a life of its own."

Is this a first look at Bungie's first game with Activision?



Also during the video, Bungie offered new hints about the project, revealing what might be the first screenshot from the game. Pictured at right, the image shows a vast landscape with a metal-looking windmill in the foreground.

Lastly, Bungie concluded the video documentary with a familiar logo. It was first seen in May when dummy corporation Podophobia Entertainment filed a trademark for Destiny, rumored to be a MMOFPS, with the accompany logo (above). Adding to the veracity of the logo, Bungie staffer Johnathan Barnes was spotted wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with the same logo at a Penny Arcade Event.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Hypertrooper« (4. August 2011, 20:44)


Freitag, 5. August 2011, 16:49

bist das in dem vid in minute 00:54 bzw 00:55 nicht du?



Dienstag, 22. Mai 2012, 16:59

Short Recap:

-Massively multiplayer style, sci-fantasy action shooter series codenamed Destiny with expansion packs codenamed Comet.
-Four games releasing in 2013, 2015, 2017, and 2019.
-Four expansion packs releasing in 2014, 2016, 2018, and 2020.
-The main games will be retail.
-There will be other DLC, subscriptions, microtransactions, and value added services.
-The first game will be an Xbox 360 and "Xbox 720" timed exclusive.
-Activision and Bungie are considering a PS3 version of the first game in 2014.
-The second game is targeted for 360, 720, PS4, and Windows PC, though the contract notes that some of those SKUs may be dropped if they decide they are not worthwhile or not technically feasible.
-Activision can terminate the contract without penalty if Destiny doesn't sell at least 5 million units in the first six months, or for any reason they please after the second expansion pack releases.
-Bungie is also working on a Marathon game, but currently no more than 5% of their staff (nor more than 5% of their key staff) can work on it, and the amount of employees that can work on it goes up slowly as they hit cumulative profit goals. There are also limits on when Bungie can release Marathon. For specifics on this see the contract images at the bottom since it's pretty lengthy.
-The game is targeting a rating of Teen/PEGI 16, but Bungie is not contractually held to hit this mark.
-The contract implies the game has in-game game masters, like those people who work for Blizzard and handle user requests in World of Warcraft while playing some kind of digital representation in the MMO world (or at least being accessible through in game chat).
-Bungie will receive a $2.5 million bonus if Destiny achieves a GameRankings.com rating of 90 or higher on Xbox 360 as measured 30 days after release.
-Bungie will also get a 20% royalty of the first $100 million in cumulative operating income, 24% on the income between $101-$400 million, and 35% on the income $401 million or above. These royalties are subject to a penalty of 2%, 2.4%, and 3.5% respectively if the games are delayed for reasons caused by Bungie within reason (i.e. if an earthquake destroys their studio they're not at fault, but if they just don't get the game done on time they are). These last two bullet points I'm leaving in the contract itself to cut down on OP length.

More Detail:


Full contract is right here


Samstag, 7. Juli 2012, 16:37

Marty O'Donnell wird mit Paul McCartney zusammen Musik für Destiny schreiben!

“I’m really excited to be working on writing music with @bungie, the studio that made Halo.” - Paul pic.twitter.com/lRxl8Jr8


Dienstag, 12. Februar 2013, 22:19

Am Sonntag wird Destiny enthüllt


Threadtitel bitte anpassen ;)


Mittwoch, 13. Februar 2013, 04:14

Wird hoffentlich was neues. Halo Black Modern Battlefield Warfare Ops so alles in einem. ^^


Mittwoch, 13. Februar 2013, 10:36

Jetz wo du den Drecks-Thread hier gepusht hast kann ich net unauffällig nen neuen machen :(

Wer net vorhat sich um nen Thread zu kümmern, sollte keinen auf machen! :colere:

Day #3 ist übrigens Online.


Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Shaggy Summers« (13. Februar 2013, 10:36)


Freitag, 15. Februar 2013, 20:35


Samstag, 16. Februar 2013, 09:52

Ich will ja wohl mal hoffen das dieses Spiel auch für Xbox 3 zum release erscheint!


Samstag, 16. Februar 2013, 12:22

ign hat heute gegen 15:30 übrigens einen Live.Stream.

Ich bin gespannt :)


Samstag, 16. Februar 2013, 13:58

ign hat heute gegen 15:30 übrigens einen Live.Stream.

Ich bin gespannt :)

;) Nein. Der Live Stream ist morgen um 18:30. Man sollte aber nichts von Destiny erwarten bis 19:00Uhr. Wer als erstes etwas von Destiny sehen will, der sollte über das Wochenende die offiziele Bungie Seite ansteuern.


Samstag, 16. Februar 2013, 14:17

Da hab ich wohl irgendwas durcheinander gebracht. Jetzt muss ich rauskriegen was heute um 15:30 war :p

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