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Donnerstag, 17. November 2005, 14:40

Nolf ist immer noch mein Lieblingsshooter, ich wünsche mir eine Fortsetzung und verspreche nun auch, mich in den nächsten Posts wieder auf PDZ zu beziehen. 8)

Dieser Beitrag ist potentiell jugendgefährdend


Samstag, 19. November 2005, 10:35

www.Gamespot.com und www.IGN.com ham finale Versionen von PDZ. Allerdings gibts bis etz nur jeweils ein Hands-On.
Killtropisch! xD


Samstag, 19. November 2005, 11:19

Jepp, es ist soweit:

IGN HANDS-ON: [quote]"Perfect Dark Zero plays and feels exactly like the N64 original; even the music is a nostalgic homage to the original's synth-rock soundtrack."[/quote]

[url=http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/perfectdarkzero/news.html?sid=6140131&q=perfect%20dark%20zero]Gamespot HANDS-ON


"Is Perfect Dark Zero the Xbox 360's Halo? We don't know yet, but what we do know is that we like what we've played of this highly anticipated first-person shooter so far."

Noch mal ein paar stimmige Worte von 1UP:


"In short, PDZ is a blast online. [...] What's immediately impressive about the multiplayer mode (and I imagine this stands for the game in offline, splitscreen as well) is that the bots behave mostly realistically. [...] Since there aren't a whole lot of "real" PDZ players online at the moment, we mostly had to resort to creating large 16 player games with a mix of bots and humans. At one time, we put all player characters on the Dark team against all bots as Datadyne on the hardest difficulty, and we got a royal spanking from the A.I. From my hands-on time so far, the bots don't appear to be too cheap with their tactics or shoot with amazing accuracy. [...] But recognizing that single-player and multiplayer modes serve different purposes, I think the move to make the A.I. more simplistic during missions does make the game more fun and accessible."

Ergo: MP soll rocken, A.I. soll sehr gut sein, in den Missionen sind sie "döfer".


"Other stuff I've noticed are the graphics. While they can be hit or miss during cutscenes in single-player, they're mostly awesome when playing deathmatch over Xbox Live. There was worry from fans that Rare would downscale the graphics when it came to multiplayer. Well, they'll be happy to know the game looks just as good to the naked eye in multiplayer as it does single. Combat effects during deathmatch retain the same over-the-top particle-filled explosions, dust clouds and debris. [...] I think the secret behind PDZ's good looks actually has a lot to do with artistry and textures (character designs notwithstanding). Like the Halo games, the maps and objects in PDZ take on a sort of hyperrealism that's neither photographic nor cartoony. It's a stylized reality all its own and it makes a lot of visual sense. [...] PDZ looks fantastic and moves even better."

Und zwei neue Videos aus dem MP-Leveln gibts:

Knirschen im Schnee
Desert Geballer

[SIZE=7]Your Xbox Information Center[/SIZE]


Samstag, 19. November 2005, 11:33


sieht ja nach ner menge spass aus.
Sony KDS 55 1080p, Onkyo TX-SR705 7.1, PS3, XBOX360 = Spielehölle


Samstag, 19. November 2005, 11:51

Hate it or love it:

Doug Perry, Editor-in-Chief, IGN Xbox and IGN Xbox 360:


"What do I really think so far? PDZ is good so far, but it's not hammering in the next generation in a striking new fashion. Every little part of PDZ looks good but familiar. Nothing is really stunning, yet I'll be playing it all weekend to get a bigger and broader perspective. [...] It feels decent; not great. It's little slower paced than I had expected, not as frenetic as other first-person shooters; and in some ways the game reels me in, while in others, it's unimpressive. [...] Right now, PDZ looks and plays solidly. It's looking good so far. Is it great? Not sure of that yet.

Brennan Ieyoub, Video Producer, IGN:


"Graphically PDZ is one of the most impressive 360 titles at launch. From the amazing motion-blur and lighting effects, to the crisp normal mapping and steady framerate; seeing this puppy run on a 50 inch HDTV plasma display will make you want to slap yo' mamma'. It's one of the sharpest looking FPS I've ever seen. [...] As you can probably tell, I'm stoked about playing this game. Maybe it's because I spent a great deal of my adolescence playing Rare first-person shooters and I can't wait to play more. Maybe it's because even in spite of my nostalgic bias Perfect Dark Zero is in fact a great game. Either way, I hear a lot of negative grumblings rising up above the claustrophobic cubicles here at IGN, but I couldn't disagree with them more.

If you liked Perfect Dark or Goldeneye, pick this game up. If you like a good FPS, pick this game up. If you like beautiful graphics, pick this game up."

David Adams, News Editor:


"I'm a Halo player, and most buttons did what I expected, though not being able to jump felt odd (I'm fresh to the whole Perfect Dark franchise). [...] So far, it's nothing horrible, and it's nothing fantastic. Microsoft may be hoping PDZ will be a killer app the way Halo was, but the spark that was so obvious in Bungie's title just isn't here."

Hilary Goldstein, Editor-in-chief, IGN Comics:


"However, playing the first two levels, I was pleasantly surprised to discover Rare's first-person shooter isn't half bad. Playing co-op with some idiot calling himself Clay-Man, showed both the good and bad of PDZ. [...] The shooting areas are a blast. The controls are pretty tight and easy to pick up. [...] While the environments are gorgeous, Ms. Dark is very basic, almost like a mannequin come to life. [...] But go to a cutscene and suddenly there is texture pop-in and frame drops. W + T + F? [...] All-in-all, PDZ looks like it will be a big thrill from start to finish. Gamers will love it, because there's really no other game like it on the system. It's definitely got some muscle behind it and will probably gain an unhealthy amount of enthusiasm. This is certainly worth picking up on launch day, but it's not the second coming of Goldeneye. That would be me. I am the second coming of Goldeneye."

David Clayman, Senior Editor, IGN Insider:


"Perhaps the most important thing that I can say about Perfect Dark Zero so far is that it made my list for games I'm going to pick up at launch."

Jonathan Miller, IGN Xbox, Xbox 360 Associate Editor:


"In a word: cool."

Marc Nix, editor, IGN:


"PDZ is not going to be the killer app that Microsoft needed and wanted it to be. The level of quality just hasn't seemed balanced enough to be that, and though it may get a heck of a lot better later, I haven't seen anything to make me confident in that. [...] It's a shame that this game is getting pushed out at launch when it clearly could have used more time polishing and tuning. Then again, Rare's had years to make this game, and I'm not sure extra time wouldn't have just dragged out the inevitable. Perfect Dark Zero is what it is -- something of a throwback, something of a vanguard. It's not a must-buy yet from what I've seen (and true enough, we've had a lot of laugh at spots that weren't supposed to be funny ... there's plenty that haters will hold over it to keep fans wincing for years) but if you sit down and play it, PDZ looks to be a game that can deliver decently over the long run."

PDZ wird weiterhin die Meinungen spalten.

[SIZE=7]Your Xbox Information Center[/SIZE]


Samstag, 19. November 2005, 12:11

Wann folgt ein test


Samstag, 19. November 2005, 12:40


Original von gamerfreak
Wann folgt ein test

Habt ihr das Spiel schon?


Samstag, 19. November 2005, 13:16

Test sol AFAIK erst gegen Ende nächster Woche kommen...

[SIZE=7]Your Xbox Information Center[/SIZE]


Samstag, 19. November 2005, 13:30

Naja nächste woche freitag kommt die neue Gamepro raus....
Da sind alle spiele drin die am 2. raus kommen, getestet nartürlich...


Samstag, 19. November 2005, 13:46

Naja, IGN und Gamespot wollen uns ja in den nächsten Tagen laufend mit Infos zum Spiel versorgen o.O
Killtropisch! xD


Samstag, 19. November 2005, 16:44

Es gibt neue Ingame-Videos bei IGN.
Klick mich an

Ups, kann sein das es die Videos sind von weiter oben. :rolleyes:

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Beaker« (19. November 2005, 16:55)



Beiträge: 204

Wohnort: So bei Köln

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Samstag, 19. November 2005, 22:57

bin mir nicht sicher, ob das interview hier im forum schon irgendwo verlinkt ist, bin da aber eben erst drauf gestoßen.

ist ein ausschnitt eines interviews mit Chris Tilston und Dale Murchie (auf englisch):

[URL=http://www.oxm.co.uk/articles/news/1st_person/the_rare_interview,_part_2_perfect_dark_zero]hier klicken :)[/URL]

wirklich sehr interessant und steigert noch einmal die vorfreude auf das spiel!!


Samstag, 19. November 2005, 23:51

Ich frag mich schon die ganze Zeit warum das ne alters einstufung ab 18 bekommen hat...das spiel ist doch nicht Brutal...ist doch so wie Halo... ?(


Sonntag, 20. November 2005, 01:09

Also wenn ich mir die neusten Screens auf xboxyde.com so ansehe dann weiß ich nicht so recht....gefällt mir überhaupt nicht....ich mein hey, das Auge spielt schließlich mit ;)
.no sig


Sonntag, 20. November 2005, 11:17

Gut, fragen wir mal so: WAS gefällt dir da nicht? Der Stil?

Finde, es sieht einfach fantastisch aus:

[SIZE=7]Your Xbox Information Center[/SIZE]


Sonntag, 20. November 2005, 11:31

fantastisch nicht,aber gut


Sonntag, 20. November 2005, 11:49

Habe mich mal umgehört, PDZ wird wohl ein paar übelste Klatschen abholen, da die Qualität teilweise mega schwankt:

Solche Screens...

... sollen keine Seltenheit sein und was solche Charaktere angeht...

... scheint man sich nicht klar zu sein, was man eigentlich darstellen wollte. ;) Dagegen gibts dann wieder solche herrlichen Screens:

Es bleibt dabei: PDZ wird die Lager spalten... ;)

[SIZE=7]Your Xbox Information Center[/SIZE]


Sonntag, 20. November 2005, 11:50

Man kann ja jetzt tolle Bilder nehmen und sagen "was sieht daran nicht gut aus?"
Aber man kann auch solche Bilder zeigen




Beiträge: 204

Wohnort: So bei Köln

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Sonntag, 20. November 2005, 11:54

das schlechte bild von dem opa da oben ist bestimmt aus einer frühen beta version.

und die anderen screens sehen ja im bewegten spiel nochmal viel besser aus, als jetzt hier. wenn da wirklich solche mängel drin sein sollten, hätte microsoft das spiel mit sicherheit nicht abgenommen.


Sonntag, 20. November 2005, 12:10

HAt das spiel net en vergleich zu Goldeneye: Rouge Agent ?(

Thema bewerten