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Montag, 6. August 2007, 13:32

RE: jaaa


Original von AlterEgoRocker
Gibt es eigentlich schon Informationen, ob es dieses Mal Wettereffekte geben wird?

Leider wurde bisher noch nichts dergleichen veröffentlicht, in der Produktbeschreibung steht nichts und vielsagende Previews gibt es auch noch nicht.
the past is only the future with the lights on.



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Mittwoch, 8. August 2007, 16:51

the past is only the future with the lights on.


Mittwoch, 8. August 2007, 16:52


wow...die klauen immer mehr von pes... ;) :laugh:



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Mittwoch, 8. August 2007, 17:49

hört sich aber gut an! :biglaugh:



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Mittwoch, 8. August 2007, 20:01

Hört sich echt nicht schlecht an! Hoffen wir das nicht nur schöne Worte sind, sondern es auch so umgesetzt wird! Ich weiß ja nicht aber 1000 Optionen pro Sekunde. 8oWeiß ja nicht wie das vorher war aber das bedeutet ja auf ein Spiel hoch gerechnet 5,4 Millionen Optionen wie das KI agieren kann.


Mittwoch, 8. August 2007, 20:55

Die Bilder sind ja derbst geil, da komme selbst ich mal wieder ins Schwärmen, fast schon realistisch, aber was bringt das wenn das Gameplay wieder doof ist. Naja aber das lässt auf jedenfall hoffen.


Mittwoch, 8. August 2007, 21:52

Ich finde auch das sich das geil anhört also ich laß mich mal überaschen finde auf jeden fall mal geil das wieder Tricks dabei sind und das man sie sich selbst zusammenstellen kann echt cool und worauf ich mich am meisten freue 30 Ligen und nicht wie letztes jahr nur 6 und der Managermodus soll ja auch länger gehen als die erbärmlichen 5 jahre
Würde auch gerne wissen wies mit dem Wetter habe darüber auch noch nichts gehört oder so kleinigkeiten wie trainer an der seitenlinie oder spieler die sich warm machen oder verletzte werden draußen behandelt aber das wär dann wieder zuviel des guten :-) bei so aufwändigen sachen würden die sich bei ea kaputt arbeiten :-) naja hoffe das wenigsten der schiri auf dem platz is und linienrichter das werden sie ja hoffentlich hinbekommen haben :-)



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Donnerstag, 9. August 2007, 14:08

Das schaut doch mal ganz gut aus ...

Spieler-Switch: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/23339.html
Torwart-Kontrolle: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/23340.html
the past is only the future with the lights on.


Donnerstag, 9. August 2007, 14:20

Im offiziellen Fifa07-Forum gibt es ein paar offizielle FAQ zu Fifa 08:


All versions

Will it be possible to simulate individual matches or dates in Manager Mode?
Yes, individual matches can be simulated via the visual or quick-sim however it won’t be possible to sim to a specific date but who would want to as in FIFA 08 you have the option to schedule mid-week practices to improve specific player attributes.

Will players be able to choose from the whole squad rather than just fifteen players when playing online?
Unfortunately, it will be the same as FIFA 07. You get to play with the pre-selected squad of 16 players. However, this list will be updated once around launch and once after the January transfer window with our transfer database updates. If you think the first 16 players for the teams are wrong please let us know in the forums and we’ll look at making changes for the winter update.

Will there be real companies for sponsors in manager mode or will it be generic ones?
No, it will be fictional companies as in FIFA 07.

Will there be real money in manager mode, and will you be able to select between Euro, Pound Sterling, and US Dollar?
Yes, in Manager Mode you’ll have the option to select which currency will be used. The options are Euro, Pound Sterling and the US Dollar. This option is available from the Manager Contract screen at the start of the game mode.

Have you considered including a dive button?
It’s something that had crossed our minds but the reality is that we are striving to recreate the beautiful game within the parameters of the official rules. It’s unfortunate that diving is part of the real sport and with the videogame we’re in a position to maintain what makes football great in it’s purest form – skill, vision and determination.

Will the Classic XI be included?
Yes, our FIFA Classic XI and World XI teams will be included.

Any plans for demo prior to release? When can we expect it?
We're working on a demo for PS2, PS3, Xbox 360 and PC. We plan to release this in September but the exact date is TBC - we're trying to get the balance between a demo that is exactly the same gameplay as the finished game and one that arrives with plenty of time for you to play it.

Will the referee and linesman be visible?
We only show the match officials during in-game cut-scenes to display bookings, red cards and warnings.

This is another feature that generated a lot of passion in our studio. Having the referee and linesman visible during the match is something we really want to do and really deliver on it. It’s important to the story of each match and having dynamic interactions between players and match officials is certainly a feature we’ll be looking at for our next game.

What’s being done about online quitters?
We're looking into this at the moment. We're looking back at the scoring logic and want to test the system to see what improvements we can try to create a more level playing field. We're also working on new tools to identify cheating so we can react to reports with stats and data to prove if someone was cheating. Sometimes when people think they've been cheated it's just a network issue = we had a chase where someone lost their Wi-Fi network when their girlfriend used the microwave so not every disconnect is a cheat but we're certainly looking at it.

Will we be able to edit player’s faces and stats? Will there be a limit?
Yes, we have to set a limit for memory reasons.

Which leagues are being included this year?
We’re actually adding three new leagues this year to the roster we had for current-gen version of FIFA 07 to all the different versions we’re releasing on all platforms. So far we've announced the Irish Eircom League with another two new leagues being announced shortly.

Is there an official release date yet?
We’re going to be announcing this very shortly.

You have suggested that you will be able to change player using the right analogue stick, do you have any more information about how this will work?
When the other team has the ball, you simply flick the right stick in the direction of the player you want to control. It gives you complete control of which player you are controlling and is a great compliment to the button-press player switch.

Next-gen - PS3 & 360

Is shirt-pulling part of the game?
No however we have done lots of work on physical play including a new jostling system and a re-written collision system with 100’s of new collision animations.

Can we play 2 vs 2 online?
Yes you will be able to play 2 vs 2 online using Multi-Player Co-op

Will the pitch degrade during a match or over the course of the season?
Yes, we have seasonal pitch wear to show how the pitch will degrade throughout the season and improve slightly towards the end of the year when the weather improves. But through the winter months in Manager Mode you will see a noticeable difference. The stadium you’re playing in will also make a difference. For example, playing in a Division 2 stadium will not have the same maintenance as the big top league grounds.

How are the goal keepers going to change based on the new shooting system?
Increasing the variety and realism of the shooting system has allowed us to make similar strides with the GK. Some of these improvements include:

Shot Preparation: The GK will prepare to save by hopping forward to narrow the angle and getting into a crouch position, thus narrowing the angle and enabling him to dive further.

Reaction time: After a shot is taken the GK will take a little time to react to the shot to enable him to ‘read’ the ball trajectory.

Line of sight: If he cannot see the ball being kicked then his reactions will be slower

Anticipation Saves: In 1-on-1 situations the GK will realize that the shot is too close to react to and thus preemptively dive as soon as the attacker starts to kick

Momentum: More realistic momentum will enable the user to wrong foot the GK. If the GK is moving left for example it will inhibit his ability to save shots that go to his right.

Animations: All of the GK animations have been reworked making them more fluid and realistic.

Will there be a full practice pitch in the next-gen version like we have seen in previous titles on current gen; not the arena but the full-on pitch where you can select how many players on each side?
Not for FIFA 08. Our focus was to really invest in our core 11 v 11 gameplay experience and we’re still using our Arena to showcase the new gameplay features that you’ll see this year. The skill move feature alone has a huge impact to what you can do in the Arena.

Will there be more club crest gamer pictures available?
We are still working on our downloadable content plan and will announce something closer to launch

How have free kicks changed from FIFA 07?
We re-worked the free-kick system from 07 and it now gives the user more control over the power and spin of the ball

Will weather be a feature in FIFA 08?
Not in FIFA 08 unfortunately. When we do weather, we want weather to affect primarily the pitch and how the ball and players move across the surface and then we want to ensure our visuals are ultra-realistic with kits, player’s skin and hair and the stadium and crowd all being affected by the weather conditions.

Can we now save replays?
This is one of the exciting new features we’re introducing into FIFA 08. You can now upload your replays directly to a specific location on the internet and then access it straight away. You can now share that replay with the entire FIFA community. We’ve been testing this feature internally and it’s generated a lot of banter and debate as to who has scored the best goal of the day and who had the worst result

Is the crowd 3D?
Yes and they look lovely.

Is there a free-kick editor?
No we don’t have this feature. We spent a lot of time working on the free-kick system to give the user more control over their shot using topspin, backspin and sidespin.

Has defensive heading been improved?
We have done lots of work on our trapping system and our in air trapping system to give the user more control over in air situations. Headers are definitely balanced a lot better this year as a result.

Can keepers get sent off or injured this year?
Unfortunately we weren’t able to add this feature into the game this year but it’s on the list for next year.

Can we use official boots like in FIFA 07 for created players and edit existing players boots?
Yes, we have all the latest official boots in FIFA 08 and you’ll be able to edit existing and created players and select which boots you want them to wear

Are there more official goalkeeper kits?
Yes, we’ve created more kits this year than in any other version of FIFA. In fact I can tell you that we have close to 1400 kits in the game this year. This includes the obvious official home and away kits as well as official goalkeeper kits for all the top teams. We also have a selection of 3rd kits that can be accessed via the Fan Shop within the game.

Will the “You’ll Never Walk Alone” chant be in the game?
Yes, this is one of our many licensed chants. It’s important that we not only convey an authentic performance from our crowd but also ensure that those trademark chants are included in the game. You’ll Never Walk Alone is a chant synonymous with the Liverpool and Celtic fans. I’ve been lucky enough to attend many matches at Anfield over the years and when you experience that atmosphere it really does inspire you to deliver that same sense of emotion in our game.

How many stadiums will there be and will Celtic park be in there?
We will have 30 environments. Unfortunately Celtic Park isn’t included this year but we’ve included the Scottish Premier League in FIFA 08. So you can take the helm as manager of Celtic in our Manager Mode experience and aim to keep the silverware coming back to the Bhoys. Conversely you can always attempt to take newcomers Gretna to glory! We will be launching a request for stadiums you'd like to see us work on for the next game.

Will there be more national teams?
We’ve added a handful of additional national teams. But what we’ve really focused on is domestic football. We’ve added three additional leagues in FIFA 08 on Xbox360 and PlayStation3.

One of the biggest criticisms we had on FIFA07 was the lack of depth and teams. It was our goal to address this for FIFA 08 and we thought let’s not just match the number of leagues and teams in our current-generation of FIFA titles, let’s add a lot more. And that’s what we’ve done. FIFA 08 has more players, teams and leagues than any other FIFA game to date.

Have any new celebrations been added?
We’ve added a few new goal celebrations this year. In addition to this we also play a goal celebration cut-scene based on its importance in the match. Getting the context right and ensuring we have a believable celebration is vital. For example, you don’t want to see the player’s jumping all over each other after they’ve scored a consolation goal while six goals behind!

Will the game be any harder than previous versions?
I wouldn’t say the game is simply more difficult than last year but that the improvements that we’ve made to the AI will provide more of a challenge. Each of our players now process 35 different choices simultaneously making them react far more realistically. There won’t be any cheats or sweet spots for beating the best players. We're very happy with the AI in the game and feel it’s really taken massive steps this year.

Will there be a create-a-player mode?
Yes; there is a create-a-player mode (it's like the one that was in FIFA 07 on the Xbox 360).

Have any changes been made to the goal nets?
We've looked into the physics of the goal nets and made changes to make them look more life-like.

Will you have some shirts tucked in and others un-tucked (Lionel Messi)?
Yes, this will feature in FIFA 08 and each player in our extensive database is assigned to either having a tucked in or loose shirt. Lionel Messi and Wayne Rooney for example never tuck their shirts in.

quelle: http://fifa07.ea.com/home.asp?lang=en
zum Forum durchklicken und dann auf "next season"

Leider wird es wieder keine Wettereffekte geben, dafür wird sich aber der Rasen während der Saison ändern.


Donnerstag, 9. August 2007, 17:12


Original von chrizzl0r
Das schaut doch mal ganz gut aus ...

Spieler-Switch: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/23339.html
Torwart-Kontrolle: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/23340.html

Mal ehrlich das wird mir langsam zuviel gefummel. Das Gameplay sieht mal wieder lahm aus.


Donnerstag, 9. August 2007, 17:57


Original von Doberman.Wtal


Original von chrizzl0r
Das schaut doch mal ganz gut aus ...

Spieler-Switch: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/23339.html
Torwart-Kontrolle: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/23340.html

Mal ehrlich das wird mir langsam zuviel gefummel. Das Gameplay sieht mal wieder lahm aus.

Die Videos sind aber nach wie vor von der PS2 Version.
Ich bin ja sehr gespannt, ob es EA schafft, dass endlich mal alles ineinander greift. Ich habe bei EA bisher immer das Gefühl gehabt, dass sie immer versuchen einzelne Elemente eines Fußballspiels super hinzubekommen, dabei aber immer das "große Ganze", nämlich das Fußballspiel an sich, vergessen und dadurch das Spiel total versauen.


Donnerstag, 9. August 2007, 18:07

Jo das Meine ich und bei jedem Spielgefühl muss ich mir jetzt auch noch die Fingerbrechen bei so unnötigen Kommandos, Konami machts doch vor einfach aber Genial. Fifa will immer so vermeindlich neue Sachen aber bei Schnellen Spielzügen habe ich keine Lust auf 100 Tastenkombinationen zurückgreifen zu müssen nur um den richtigen anzuspielen.


Donnerstag, 9. August 2007, 20:28

Das Auswählen mit dem rechten Stick soll aber optional sein. Wenn man keine Lust hat, kann man das Spiel wie gewohnt spielen :)

Hier ist ein Video von einer EA PK , ab 1:10 gibt es auch ein paar Szenen aus dem Spiel.



Freitag, 10. August 2007, 13:59

ooooh nein :( hoffentlich war das die PC Version... habt ihr gesehen... jeder kopfball ging rein :( bitte nicht.. da hab ich ja jetzt schon keine lust mehr das spiel zu spielen wenn online dann die ganzen idioten immer den gleichen trick machen... kopfball , tor



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Freitag, 10. August 2007, 14:58


Original von Superman
ooooh nein :( hoffentlich war das die PC Version...

Doch, doch... das war die PC Version :D
the past is only the future with the lights on.


Freitag, 10. August 2007, 21:19

http://forum.areagames.de/forum.aspx?act…D=873797#873797 ein erster erfahrungsbericht von der x360 version

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »marvinho 93« (10. August 2007, 21:20)


Samstag, 11. August 2007, 00:46

ich hätte auch negativpunkte gerne gelesen, hört sich zwar alles ziemlich gut an aber klingt irgendwie pro-fifa alles.


Samstag, 11. August 2007, 01:45

Hört sich gut an fast schon zu gut. Fehlen noch die negativ Punkte. Ich glaube nicht das das Gameplay so gut ist.


Samstag, 11. August 2007, 01:53

Da liegen ja auch keine 2 Stunden zwischen den Postings. Ist nicht sehr aussagekräftig.


Sonntag, 12. August 2007, 20:12

Gibt es eigentlich auch wieder die Schweizer Liga ? also die Axpo Super League. ich weis eigentlich gar nicht welche dabei sind.
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