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Jahresergebnis: Microsoft mit USD 4,52 Mrd. Gewinn / Xbox-Sparte mit USD 679 Mio. Gewinn
23.07.10 - Microsoft hat die Ergebnisse für das 4. Quartal (01.04.10 - 30.06.10) seines laufenden Geschäftsjahres (01.07.09 - 30.06.10) sowie für das Gesamtjahr vorgelegt.
Der Nettogewinn liegt bei 4,52 Mrd. und damit um 48 Prozent höher als im Vorjahresquartal (USD 3,05 Mrd.). Der Umsatz kletterte auf USD 16,04 Mrd., was einer 22-prozentigen Steigerung entspricht; im Dreimonatsabschnitt des Vorjahres betrug er noch USD 13,1 Mrd. Der operative Gewinn ist USD 5,93 Mrd. hoch, ein Plus von 49 Prozent.
Zu dem guten Ergebnis trugen die Verkäufe von Windows 7 bei, von dem bis heute 175 Mio. Lizenzen verkauft wurden. Auch die Geschäfte mit Windows Servern, Office 2010 und Bing verliefen gut.
Im gesamten Geschäftsjahr (01.04.09 - 30.06.10) verbucht Microsoft Einnahmen in Höhe von USD 62,48 Mrd., das sind 7 Prozent mehr als im Vorjahr. Der operative Gewinn für das Gesamtjahr beträgt USD 24,10 Mrd. und legt damit um 18 Prozent zu. Der Nettogewinn erreicht USD 18,76 Mrd. und konnte einen Zuwachs von 29 Prozent verbuchen.
Die für das Xbox-Geschäft verantwortliche "Entertainment and Devices Division" erwirtschaftete einen Umsatz von USD 1,60 Mrd., nachdem es im Vorjahr USD 1,257 Mrd. waren. Im Gesamtjahr beträgt der Umsatz der Abteilung USD 8,058 Mrd.; im letzten Jahr war er mit USD 8,035 Mrd. fast identisch.
Im 4. Quartal musste Microsoft allerdings erneut ein Minus in der Xbox-Sparte verbuchen: Waren es noch USD 141 Mio. im Vorjahresabschnitt, so stiegen die roten Zahlen jetzt auf USD 172 Mio. Unterm Strich kann Microsoft für das Gesamtjahr aber einen deutlich höheren Gewinn einfahren: Von USD 108 Mio. 2009, liegt er diesem Geschäftsjahr jetzt bei USD 679 Mio.
Die enorme Gewinnsteigerung war u.a. durch gefallene Kosten in der Xbox 360-Produktion möglich. Auch gestiegene Xbox 360-Verkäufe und höhere Einnahmen aus Xbox Live trugen zu dem Gewinnsprung bei. 1,5 Mio. Xbox 360 wurden von Microsoft im letzten Quartal weltweit ausgeliefert (Vorjahr: 1,2 Mio. Einheiten).
Im gesamten letzten Geschäftsjahr konnte Microsoft 10,3 Mio. Xbox 360 weltweit ausliefern. Das ist ein leichter Rückgang gegenüber dem Geschäftsjahr 2009, als noch 11,2 Mio. Konsolen ausgeliefert wurden. Ferner gibt es weltweit bislang über 25 Mio. Xbox Live Mitglieder
CLICK (Microsoft: "Microsoft Reports Record Fourth-Quarter Results")
Capcom Plans Increased Paid Download Content and Social Games
More "paid demos" like Dead Rising Case 0 could be on the way.
We could be seeing more paid demos along the lines of Dead Rising Case 0.
Capcom had it rough last quarter, with operating income dropping 70% from the prior year. But CEO Haruhiro Tsujimoto seems to have some ideas for how to increase earnings.
In a recent interview with Fuji Sankei Business Eye, Tsujimoto said that Capcom plans on expanding online paid content services for game consoles. The company hopes to bring more titles that use online billing systems to platforms like the PlayStation 3.
Tsujimoto explained that, in order to increase earnings from software, "Once a game has been purchased, it's not the end. It's essential that we create a system to get players playing for a long time." To achieve this, Capcom plans on strengthening sales of paid add-on content with such things as item downloads.
According to Sankei, we're already seeing the first steps in this plan through Xbox 360's Dead Rising Case 0. While Capcom has referred to Case 0 as a paid prologue for Dead Rising 2, the Sankei report describes it as a paid demo. Capcom has similar plans in place for future releases.
When one hears of "online billing systems," the immediate thought may be of Monster Hunter Frontier Online, which has players pay a monthly access fee. The Sankei article seems to be referring to paid download content rather than online usage fees.
Outside of download content, Capcom's growth plans include expanded support for iPhone and social gaming. Regarding social gaming, Sankei reports that the company will be releasing a new Monster Hunter title for the popular Mobagetown mobile service on the 10th. In North America, the company plans on offering four original games in September and beyond.
I'm excited, the first game I have an AP credit in is being announced this week.
Valve promises '3 big surprises' are coming
Valve has promised "at least" three "big surprises" for gamers in the next 12 months. Half-Life 3, anyone?
Unfortunately - in typical, teasing style - it refused to be drawn on any detail of what the surprises entailed.
Speculation over a Half-Life 2: Episode 3 announcement was rife before E3 in June, but never materialised. Valve cancelled a planned press conference at the LA Expo very suddenly - which was supposed to reveal a "surprise".
Maybe that was one of the three?
"I can guarantee you people are going to be surprised at stuff we do. That isn't going to stop any time soon. I'm just laughing because... people will be shocked again," Valve boss Gabe Newell told the latest issue of PC Gamer.
"We have three pretty big surprises in the next 12 months at least."
Bring 'em on, Gabe. Bring 'em on.
Newell has also revealed that Valve is working hard on biometrics to better understand their customers - and, potentially, to bring freaky new heart-monitoring thrills to gameplay.
You can read the full, fascinating interview with Valve on its history in PC Gamer UK - which is with subscribers now and in stores tomorrow.
das wäre ja wie weihnachtenZitat
Valve promises '3 big surprises' are coming
Valve has promised "at least" three "big surprises" for gamers in the next 12 months. Half-Life 3, anyone?
Unfortunately - in typical, teasing style - it refused to be drawn on any detail of what the surprises entailed.
Speculation over a Half-Life 2: Episode 3 announcement was rife before E3 in June, but never materialised. Valve cancelled a planned press conference at the LA Expo very suddenly - which was supposed to reveal a "surprise".
Maybe that was one of the three?
"I can guarantee you people are going to be surprised at stuff we do. That isn't going to stop any time soon. I'm just laughing because... people will be shocked again," Valve boss Gabe Newell told the latest issue of PC Gamer.
"We have three pretty big surprises in the next 12 months at least."
Bring 'em on, Gabe. Bring 'em on.
Newell has also revealed that Valve is working hard on biometrics to better understand their customers - and, potentially, to bring freaky new heart-monitoring thrills to gameplay.
You can read the full, fascinating interview with Valve on its history in PC Gamer UK - which is with subscribers now and in stores tomorrow.
Episode 3? EPISODE 3???
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