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Beiträge: 1 249

Wohnort: HGW

Beruf: dipl.-psych.

  • dermou
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Samstag, 15. August 2009, 10:28

eindrücke vom gestrigen test der aktuellen fassung von fifa10 in london.
der text stammt aus dem forum des fsb.

where to begin.....well on arriving at the stadium we were shown into a
large conference area with what must have been a dozen lcd screens
running a 6 week old code on xbox360's. Before we could enter we all
had to sign an NDA. Which is funny because i never saw anybody actually
read the thing. We all wanted to just get on and play the game. I was
with Chris Davies (FSB), Tim7 (evoweb) and mjsmith2k(evoweb). We all
headed straight for a couple of screens.

Firstly the visuals.
Now i got to be honest here and say that it did not look too
dis-similar to 09. It was sharper, definately. An improvement, yes, but
dont anybody think that its going to look vastly superior. I was happy
but maybe deepdown i thought it would look better. You could see some
player faces looked better. Apart from Almunia who for some reason
looked even worse than in 09. But maybe these things are still to be
included in the final build.

I didnt notice anything difference
in the crowd animations either but again maybe it was the build. What
has changed was the score display. It has been given a make over and
now has the colour of the team you are playing with as its background
colour. Looked good. The lineup screen before kick off has also
improved and now displays the kits. A big improvement over 09. Dont ask
me about the nets. Im not a net fetishist but they seemed ok to me.

so to the most important area of any footie game, the gameplay. Ill
start with how the game felt. It flowed real nice. It definately has
slowed down. Its more tactical. Your midfied players have more time on
the ball and become more influential
. I played with Arsenal several
times and Cesc was a little magician. The close control animations are
. Dragbacks, flick ons, dummies, all looked very realistic. The
360 dribbling was evident but not dramatic in my opinion. And when
sprinting you lost the 360 degree movement
which brought major
dissapointment and was brought to the attention of the EA rep that was
there. There is hope that this will change in the final build because
it really was a bit of a let down. But overall the 360 degree was very
nice. Its something that you do have to play to feel and thats why some
of these videos that have been released of late do not do it justice.
It is now possible to take people on with the dribbling. Its not easy
pro evo style but with good dribbling players it is advantageous to
try. And the animations when you skip pass people looked really neat.

found shielding to be a lot better too. In 09 you would just get shoved
off the ball by a defender coming through the back of you but it felt
so much better. You can bring players into play a lot more using the
shield. Obviously the stronger players were better at it. Tricks seem a
lot easier to pull off.
I managed a couple of flick overs and it seemed
responsive. I always thought that in 09 it was easy to pull off tricks
in the arena but nigh on impossible in the actual game.

now doesnt seem locked on. It takes more skill and accuracy to tackle
I liked it. There were so many new animations where defenders
fling themselves to clear the ball or to block shots. They need to as
well because Peter Cech goes ape shit at their errors. A nice animation
had him waving his arms in anger or another i saw was him applauding
his defence. Looked cool. Through passes have been reigned in. There
still there but the defenders are more wise to it. I had a few 1v1s but
this is an area that has been worked on a lot and if shows.

i mainly used semi but did try assisted and manual too. Semi seemed a
lot like 09 to me. Didnt really notice a major difference. It felt nice
though. Assisted was still very ping pongy and im sure this will please
the 10year olds out there. Manual, im not really the best man to ask
but MJ liked it and said it was better so id take his word for it.
i come to the Shooting. YES YES YES YES AND BLOODY YES!!! This to me
was the biggest change in the whole game. It felt very very nice. You
can now score long range shots. High and Low.
In fact we was worried at
first because they seemed to be flying in too often but this seemed to
even itself out over the course of the day. I scored a few outside of
the box even. Not 30 yard rockets i admit but i was pleased with them.
I did see Tim score a 30 yard belter with i think Gerrard but i could
be wrong there. It was a great goal none the less and one that just
wouldnt have been possible in 09. You really get the feeling that
taking a chance on a long range effort will bring some reward. A very
big plus and i loved it as did most others.

Now a funny thing
we noticed with the assisted shooting. It seems to have been made less
accurate. Shots fly wide alot more, when in 09 they were like homing
missiles. I hope this stays the same for final code. Also the ball
didnt hit the post with such regularity.

Overall the gameplay
has vastly improved. It just feels better. More responsive. Less cut
Nice to see the ref running upto players and brandishing cards.
Fatigue seemed more evident too. I think players who constantly press
will get punished this year
...hooray! The advantage rule seems better
too, more sensible and less annoying. Player injuries seemed to occur a
lot more, and serious injuries too resulting in substitutions having to
be made. Not sure if it was too often to be honest. The jury is out on
that one. Still id prefer too often than too sparse. One gripe i did
have was the high passes. Now we have all been told that it takes half
the time for the ball to reach the player. I could not see this. The
passes seemed very floaty still. I tried switching play many times and
just could not tell the difference from 09. But the thing is i saw this
new ball physic in effect a few times when i was watching the guys
play. so its in there. Maybe i was doing something wrong i dont know.
Im sure there is plenty of stufff i have missed and will come to me
during the course of the evening and i will add anything of importance
but gameplay is feeling very very nice guys.

All in all it was
a very nice day and we were made to feel very welcome by the EA staff
and the Arsenal staff. We were asked a fair few times about our
thoughts on the game and im sure Mr Rutter will be getting informed. We
were given a lot of play time, a lot more than we thought we were going
to get.

To sum up. Fifa10 is a treat to play. The more time
you get with it the more you will realise that. And remember that we
were only allowed access to exhibition matches. Im sure EA have some
amazing announcments to make next week. Pro will have to go a long way
to beat this.....over to you Konami.

(a big thanx to EA for allowing us few privaliged to play the game)


Samstag, 15. August 2009, 14:14

Gibt es eigentlich Infos zum Be A Pro-Modus? Hat sich bzgl. der Karriereoptionen (Vereinswechsel, Attributverbesserung, Statistiken etc.) irgendwas getan? Obwohl ich die neusten Infos zu FIFA 10 verfolge, hab ich dazu bis jetzt nichts gelesen.

Weitere Frage: Wird es einen Editor geben? (bitte bitte keine Diskussion über die Notwendigkeit eines Editors. Wenn ich diese Frage gestellt habe, musst ich in den letzten Jahren schon so viel Unsinn lesen ;) )


Samstag, 15. August 2009, 14:29

Be-a-Pro hab ich bisher nichts gelesen, wird wohl so bleiben. Wüsste nicht was daran ändern sollte.


Samstag, 15. August 2009, 14:38

Dass man den Verein wechseln kann? Z.B. Oder dass es relativ sinnfrei ist, selbst absolute Weltklasse-Spieler aufwerten zu können? Irgendwann ist man einfach nur in den Strafraum gelaufen, drückte dann die Schusstaste und der Treffer fiel automatisch. ;)


Samstag, 15. August 2009, 14:50

.Weitere Frage: Wird es einen Editor geben? (bitte bitte keine Diskussion über die Notwendigkeit eines Editors. Wenn ich diese Frage gestellt habe, musst ich in den letzten Jahren schon so viel Unsinn lesen ;) )
Nein, der wird nicht ausgebaut. Da bleibt alles beim alten. :thumbdown:


Samstag, 15. August 2009, 14:52

Cool. Dann hat Barrios bestimmt Stärke 73 und Valdez liegt bei 80. Und das beste, ich kanns nicht editieren. EA at its best. :smokin:


Samstag, 15. August 2009, 15:16

Dass man den Verein wechseln kann? Z.B. Oder dass es relativ sinnfrei ist, selbst absolute Weltklasse-Spieler aufwerten zu können? Irgendwann ist man einfach nur in den Strafraum gelaufen, drückte dann die Schusstaste und der Treffer fiel automatisch. ;)
Vereinswechsel ist sicher nicht optimal. Aber Spieler entwicklen sich meistens doch auch weiter von Jahr zu Jahr egel ob ein C. Ronalo oder ein Badstuber.


Samstag, 15. August 2009, 17:53

Dass man den Verein wechseln kann? Z.B. Oder dass es relativ sinnfrei ist, selbst absolute Weltklasse-Spieler aufwerten zu können? Irgendwann ist man einfach nur in den Strafraum gelaufen, drückte dann die Schusstaste und der Treffer fiel automatisch. ;)
Vereinswechsel ist sicher nicht optimal. Aber Spieler entwicklen sich meistens doch auch weiter von Jahr zu Jahr egel ob ein C. Ronalo oder ein Badstuber.
Das Problem ist eher (im Be-A-Pro- und im Managermodus), dass sich beinahe alle Spieler (auch die, die kurz vor dem Karriereende stehen) weiterentwickeln ;)


Samstag, 15. August 2009, 18:07

Be-a-Pro hab ich bisher nichts gelesen, wird wohl so bleiben. Wüsste nicht was daran ändern sollte.
Mal den Become a Legend Modus von PES angesehen? ;)
Der ist zwar auch nicht perfekt, motiviert aber deutlich mehr als es ein Be a Pro Modus tut, gerade wenn man allein ne Karriere spielen will. 8)


Sonntag, 16. August 2009, 03:47

so wies aussieht kann man endlich wieder geile weitschüsse machen :thumbsup:
Ach mit Sneijder kannste die auch im '09'er machen. Kurzen ANlauf nehmen und du kannst ab 25 Meter mit links oder Rechts abziehen... hatte schon einige tolle Tore dadurch ;)

naja ich hab nicht gesagt dass es in 09 nicht möglich ist oder ich es nicht kann :D

sneijder? würde dir eher nen anderen holländer vorschlagen ^^ rate mal wen ich meine :D

naja was ich sagen wollte is dass die weitschüsse so wie bei PES ungefähr sein sollten es muss krachen so wies dermou (der info-lieferant :D) gesagt hat


Sonntag, 16. August 2009, 08:37

So hier ne kleine offizielle Aufklärung im Bezug auf das 360°-Dribbling-Sytem. Gab ja leichte Unruhen, da man die volle 360°-Freiheit nur im Joggingmodus zu genießen können schien. Allerdings kann man (was mich sehr beruhigt) auch im Sprintmodus die Richtung jetzt frei wählen, man hat halt da nur die Möglichkeit alles zwischen -22.5° bis 22.5° anzusteuern, mit der Begründung, dass man aus vollem Lauf keinen Richtungswechsel von 60° machen kann und dabei die Geschwindigkeit halten kan.

Aber lest selbst:



Hey all,

First let me introduce myself. I'm Gary Paterson (obviously), I'm from Scotland (Aberdeen supporter so REALLY bad week for me ) and I'm the Creative Director on FIFA10. I work with David, Mike, Christophe, Aaron, Santiago and Marcel to design the features of the game. I have been on FIFA since 07 on PS2 where I was gameplay producer and programmer, before joining the PS3/360 team for FIFA08 and 09 as lead gameplay designer/producer. Apologies for not being on here sooner, its been quite a hectic year as I'm sure you'll all understand.

I see that there has been quite a lot of traffic on here recently regarding 360 degree dribbling and I just want to send a quick post to let you all know how it works and why we chose to make it work the way that it does.

Let me begin by saying that 360 degree dribbling will have an affect on all dribble speeds: Jog, Skilled and Sprint, and will affect trapping. However, the effect on sprint is different than the others for reasons I'll explain in a moment.

When jogging with the ball FIFA10 will give you full 360 degree control, when requesting a turn you will get exactly the angle you input on the left stick. One note on this however is that for turns less than 22.5 degrees (22.5 degrees may sound like an odd limit but this is basically 360 / 8 ) you will not get a turn immediately. Instead he will make the small adjustment the next time he catches up to the ball. This is because we don't want your player to constantly be playing a turn animation as this will affect the fluidity of the dribble and also affect pass responsiveness as we do not allow you to pass while you are about to touch the ball in a dribble turn.

The effect of this is that FIFA10 feels more fluid and you can now beat defenders, protect the ball and ultimately make plays that you could not before.

Skilled Dribbling
Like jogging, skilled dribble is fully 360 degree though the real power of the feature is really in the sideways movement.

The affect on sprinting is slightly different from jogging. The reason for this is that when sprinting your momentum dictates that you cannot adjust your body to perform the same turns that you can when jogging. In FIFA10 the range of turn that we allow when sprinting is ANY angle from 0 degrees to 22.5 degrees (plus 180), this is different from 09 as in that game we could only turn 0 or 22.5 left or 22.5 right.

Again, the reason we do not allow full 360 in sprinting is that it is just not physically possible to turn say 94 degrees and stay at sprint speed. Obviously if you did want to perform a 94 degree turn you could release the sprint button and the player would perform a 'Sprint to Jog' turn that would satisfy your pad angle request and turn 94 degrees or whatever angle you were requesting.

The result of this is that you can finely adjust your sprint direction in order to not lose so much momentum when turning and potentially get away from a defender without slowing down and getting tackled like you would in 09.

Hopefully I have explained that clearly, its difficult without diagrams

So in summary and as a comparison to FIFA09, these are the ranges of movement that you will see in the game:

Jogging 09: 8 directions (0, ±45, ±90, ±135, 180)
Jogging 10: 360 degrees

Skilled Dribble 09: N/A
Skilled Dribble 10: 360 degrees

Sprint 09: 4 directions (0, ±22.5, 180)
Sprint 10: 45 degrees (any angle from -22.5 to +22.5) and 180

We have shown the game now to quite a large group of people, mostly community and journalists and I have to say that 360 degree dribbling is one of the features that has stood out for the majority of people. The number of comments that I have heard about people 'not being able to go back to 09' due to the freedom and fluidity that this feature gives them is encouraging. This feature along with the numerous other changes that we have made have made FIFA10 what I believe to be a more fluid, more authentic and more fun game, I hope you will agree when you get the chance to play (fingers crossed).

Hopefully this post has addressed some of the concerns that you have. I'll try to post on here more often going forward.

Thanks for listening, and thanks for your continued support.

Red Bull Salzburg - Österreichischer Fußballmeister 2010 - Danke | Eddie Gustafsson | Somen Tchoyi | Marc Janko |

| Mafia II | FIFA 11 |


Sonntag, 16. August 2009, 09:40

Ich hoffe aber das es dennoch eine Animation dafür geben wird. Jemand sprintet und will direkt in die andere Richtung - der Spieler verliert das Gleichgewicht. Das Gefühl von Freiheit wäre gestärkt ohne den Spielablauf zu stören - wer sich so drehen will bekommt die (realistische) Rechnung 8)


Sonntag, 16. August 2009, 11:37

Insgesamt hoffe ich das die Animationen wieder verbessert werdem und das dass Spiel etwas schneller wird vom Albauf



Beiträge: 1 249

Wohnort: HGW

Beruf: dipl.-psych.

  • dermou
  • Private Nachricht senden


Sonntag, 16. August 2009, 11:52

die animationen sind laut der bisherigen berichte deutlich vielfältiger geworden, das spielgeschehen bzw dessen geschwindigkeit kann man deutlich besser bestimmen, d.h. das tempo rausnehmen oder eben auch mal ordentlich anziehen. die sprintfreaks sollen nun aber etwas ausgebremst werden, da die ermüdung besser ausbalanciert wurde.

einige von euch werden ja in ein paar tagen auf der gc hand anlegen. wäre gut, wenn ihr dann eure meinung kund tun könntet.


Sonntag, 16. August 2009, 19:19

sorry für die frage aber wird die demo nach der gamescom erhältlich sein aufm marktplatz?



Beiträge: 4 766

Wohnort: Stamford Bridge

  • DrSchmock
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Sonntag, 16. August 2009, 19:57

Ja Demo war bei 09 ja auch vor dem Release erhältlich aber leider nicht lang vorher!!!
100% Games Complete XBOX One (55)
100% Games Complete XBOX 360 (29)
Erfolgsfortschritt Need for Speed (200/1000)
Erfolgsfortschritt Assassins Creed Syndicate (70/1000)
Erfolgsfortschritt WRC 5 (800/1000)
DrSchmock = SirHari


Sonntag, 16. August 2009, 20:15

direkt nach der GC wird es die Demo nicht geben auf dem Marktplatz. Da müssen wir noch ein paar Wochen warten.


Montag, 17. August 2009, 10:44

Ich hoffe aber das es dennoch eine Animation dafür geben wird. Jemand sprintet und will direkt in die andere Richtung - der Spieler verliert das Gleichgewicht. Das Gefühl von Freiheit wäre gestärkt ohne den Spielablauf zu stören - wer sich so drehen will bekommt die (realistische) Rechnung 8)

...und fällt dann 6 Monate aus wegen einem Kreuzbandriss :P

realistisch wäre es...

Gruß GreyScorpion


Montag, 17. August 2009, 10:46

... und wenn man als Maß aller Dinge den Anspruch erhebt ... 8)


Montag, 17. August 2009, 12:21

Kann es kaum noch abwarten, das Spiel am Samstag auf der GamesCom zu zoggn :eek3:

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