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[ X360 ] Gears of War 2

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Beiträge: 6 138

Wohnort: NRW / Lippe

Beruf: Technischer Einkäufer

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Freitag, 23. Mai 2008, 18:22

Über die Ausdaueranzeige lässt sich echt streiten, aber sie bringt auf jeden Fall nen bißchen mehr Taktik ins Spiel...!

Früher zählte das Erreichte, heute reicht das Erzählte...


Freitag, 23. Mai 2008, 18:26

..... :biglaugh:.................ihr solltet euch über solche "Kleinigkeiten" mal nich allzu grosse Sorgen machen....solange der Rest passt is sowas ja noch verschmerzbar



Beiträge: 6 138

Wohnort: NRW / Lippe

Beruf: Technischer Einkäufer

  • Private Nachricht senden


Freitag, 23. Mai 2008, 18:36

Du sagst es! und wer weiß, vielleicht ist es ja auch alles ganz spaßig, was hier im Moment verflucht wird... ;)

Früher zählte das Erreichte, heute reicht das Erzählte...


Freitag, 23. Mai 2008, 18:57

das glaube ich auch denn wenn es nervig währe würde es cliff sicher nicht in das spiel integriern
Im Weltall hört dich niemand schrein!

Dead Space


Freitag, 23. Mai 2008, 23:02

Matchmaking ? Ist das über Host, hoffentlich nicht, Host hat bei 1. gestunken und ca. 20 mal immer wenn ich so 17-25 Kills hatte hat der Host einfach gequitet. Die sollen es so wie bei Cod 4 oder Halo 3 machen, dass wenn Host quitet die neuen suchen oder Server oder keine Ahnung. Kann mir bitte einer sagen was Matchmaking ist !!! ?(


Freitag, 23. Mai 2008, 23:04

Matchmaking ist wie bei Halo oder CoD4 (Hoffe ich liege da richtig)

Hoffe es kommt 100% in GoW2 :pray:

Ich hasse den Host in Teil 1 :colere:

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »COol 360 GAMEr« (23. Mai 2008, 23:10)


Freitag, 23. Mai 2008, 23:05

Danke, du cooler Gamer ^^


Samstag, 24. Mai 2008, 11:52

Gears Of War Redux Coming Next Month

If you're one of the folks late to the Gears of War party, you may want to hold tight just a little big longer before investing. GameStop is now taking pre-orders for a cheaper, more feature filled edition of the Xbox 360 mega-hit, now at a $39.99 USD price point that should appeal to cheap ass gamers(TM) and drum up extra hype for Gears of War 2. Details are scarce, but it appears that the reissue will at least contain content previously available as DLC. We've contacted Microsoft to find out more about the new package, but have yet to hear back.



Samstag, 24. Mai 2008, 12:50

Was soll den das bedeuten ?


Samstag, 24. Mai 2008, 13:05

neue Gears Veröffentlichung mit allen Maps auf der Disk
ist aber immernoch ein Gerücht


Samstag, 24. Mai 2008, 13:09

Neu Auflage von Gears of War (1^^) mit mehr Inhalten, genaue Informationen sind wohl nicht bekannt aber sollen wohl de DLC's mit enthalten sein und das ganze soll zu einem günstigen Preis angeboten werden,
Gamestop nimmt wohl schon Vorbestellungen an ...

hätte also besser in de GOW (1) thread gepasst... finde ich :rolleyes:

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »xGamer« (24. Mai 2008, 13:11)


Samstag, 24. Mai 2008, 13:10

Wie, sind da die neuen 6 Maps drin ? Wenn ja dann hol ich es mir omg 8o


Samstag, 24. Mai 2008, 13:26


Original von xGamer

hätte also besser in de GOW (1) thread gepasst... finde ich :rolleyes:

Der GoW1 Thread ist schon lange weg ^^


Samstag, 24. Mai 2008, 13:29

Wie weg lol ? :laugh:

edit: jetzt wo du es sagst... verstehe ich jetzt nicht .. gow hat ein eigenes Unterforum aber der thread zu gow 1 wird gelöscht oder was auch immer, muss ich die logik verstehn ? Im vergleich zum GTA 4 Forum wo dutzend Threads zu den Spiel gibt ^^ :rolleyes:

sry dann trifft dich keine schuld ;)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 5 mal editiert, zuletzt von »xGamer« (24. Mai 2008, 13:32)


Samstag, 24. Mai 2008, 16:06

In Spielen ohne Respawn kann man als Ghost umherfliegen und dabei Fotos machen, welche sich später für die Community hochladen lassen



Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »COol 360 GAMEr« (24. Mai 2008, 16:07)


Samstag, 24. Mai 2008, 16:33

Dein Link funzt nicht aber du weinst wohl diesen ->
Flammenwerfer und MP Infos geleaked? und hier auch noch paar Infos
Riesenmammut, Ausdauer, Koop Cutscenes

Sind tolle Sachen dabei :]

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »xGamer« (24. Mai 2008, 16:34)


Sonntag, 25. Mai 2008, 00:23

GoW2 MP Infos

Wow, it was actually all true! Thanks to loyal X3F reader Rhemelious, we were given the opportunity to view each and every page of the exclusive Gears of War 2 article that appears in next month's issue of UK magazine X360. The same issue that was rumored to reveal all kinds of new and exciting GoW2 multiplayer details. Well, after giving it a thorough read (sorry, it's kind of illegal to post magazine scans), we can 100% confirm its contents and say that the rumors are indeed true. The new weapons, gametypes, game modes, features and options are all true! So, being the obsessive Gears fans we are, after the break we posted our own recap of what we found inside the pages of X360. Yes, the list is long, but we organized the new GoW2 information the best we could. Believe us, you'll want to jump towards the break, because there's a mountain of juicy delicious Gears 2 details. We're so happy ...

[Thanks, Rhemelious]

List of Juicy GoW2 Details from X360 Magazine

* Ten person, 5v5 online multiplayer.

* Yes, Gears of War 2 will have a Halo-style matchmaking system.

* There will be respawning multiplayer modes, but the focus is still towards traditional non-respawn gaming.

* Multiplayer game modes:
- "Guardian" game mode: A remade version of Gears' Assassination game mode where the objective is still to kill the other team's leader, but players keep respawning as long as their leader is alive. Opponents' leader will be marked on the HUD to keep the game moving along.
- "Wingman" game mode: You and a buddy team up, sharing a single character model in this five teams of two game mode.
- "Meatflag" game mode: A CTF-style mode where the "flag" is actually an AI-controlled player who'll wander the map and attempt to kill anyone who gets near. To "capture" him, you'll have to first down, then escort him as a meatshield all the way back to your base, all while your opponents are trying to kill you and shoot at the "flag". Because, if shot at enough, your meatshield flag will break free, go berserk and deal out the pain. Respawning will be featured in this game mode as well as stats for the amount of kills the AI-controlled flag dished out

* Multiplayer maps:
- Around a dozen maps will be included on disc.
- "Gridlock": A remake of the Gridlock we've all come to know and love, but taken over by vegetation, old age and now featuring a beautiful sun-setting glow.
- "River": Symmetrical map featuring a house and a sniper tower separated by (you guessed it) a river.
- "Security": A long, thin map with "verandas" on each side that are sealed off by red laser bars. In the center of the map is a button to deactivate all the security for roughly 20 seconds.

* Fishing moves when an enemy is downed:
- "X" button: Traditional curb-stomp.
- "B" button: Melee attack that will be weapon specific. (Longshot sniper rifle will be used as a golf club of death.)
- "Y" button: Flips your opponent over and let's you punch in their face ... UFC style.
- "A" button: Use your enemy as a "meatshield" that limits your weapon choice to a pistol. And, yes, your meatshield can and will disintegrate in your arms after taking on enemy fire. If they don't get ripped apart, you can always dispense of your meatshield with a good old snap of the neck.

* Random weapon location respawns will be used, but only for certain weapons not including power weapons, pistols or grenades.

* All weapons have a variable amount of "stopping power" that'll slow down an opponent's running or diving abilities.

* Weapons:
- Players will have the option of spawning with the chainsaw-equipped Lancer or the newly modified Locust Hammerburst.
- "Scorcher" weapon: A flamethrower that we're promised will produce some uber-realistic fire.
- "Medusa" weapon: A new Locust pistol that is said to be extremely powerful, pumping out five to six rounds per shot downing enemies in a few shots. Said to be the perfect compliment to a meatshielder.
- "Hammerburst" weapon: Changed a bit, now requiring players to pump the trigger as fast as possible (think Halo 3's Carbine). Though, recoil will increase the faster it's fired.

* Grenades:
- Can be stuck to people, walls, the floor and any other surface to be used as a makeshift proximity mine.
- As before, players will spawn with one smoke grenade.
- Smoke grenade: Now carries a "stun" effect that "ragdolls any player within their blast radius".
- Poison gas grenade: Spews poison that will kill anyone who lingers in its poisonous cloud.

* Chainsaw Duels:
- Whoever does the quickest amount of "B" button tapping will be victorious.
- Your teammates can help give you an edge in the duel by shooting the opponent which will give you the upper hand on the "B" button mini-game.
- No duel will occur if a player is chainsawed from behind. Instead, the sexy "butt to head" chainsaw animation will kick in giving the attacker and instant kill.

* The cover system has been subtly reworked, where players' gun and body sit tighter to cover making it harder for your enemies to get an attacking angle.

* Bullet shields described as "metal bucklers" that can be carried as indestructible cover. The trade-off being that only a pistol can be wielded and movement is slowed dramatically. One benefit of the bullet shield is that it can be planted into the ground for mobile cover, though we're told enemies can kick it over if they get close enough.

* Once killed in a non-respawn game, players will enter a "dynamic battle-cam" that floats above the action.

* Also available (when dead) will be a Ghost Cam where players can view the action from the battlefield and take screenshots that can be uploaded online similar to Halo 3.

* Hammerhead Grunt Locust revealed and named as such because of his shark looking helmet.

* The GoW2 Collector's Edition may include a weathered looking Polaroid of Dom's wife, the same one seen at the beginning of the game.

* Development on Gears 2 is roughly at 65% complete.

* Don't count on Call of Duty 4 style XP or perks, Cliff says they will not be adding these types of character building elements to the Gears universe.

Quelle: Xbox360Fanboy.com


Sonntag, 25. Mai 2008, 00:24

* Yes, Gears of War 2 will have a Halo-style matchmaking system.

DANKE EPIC :pray: :pray: :pray:


Sonntag, 25. Mai 2008, 00:40

stand da jetzt auch ob man selbst characktar erstellen kann konnt ich jetzt nich herraus lesen


Sonntag, 25. Mai 2008, 01:34


* Fishing moves when an enemy is downed:
- "X" button: Traditional curb-stomp.
- "B" button: Melee attack that will be weapon specific. (Longshot sniper rifle will be used as a golf club of death.)
- "Y" button: Flips your opponent over and let's you punch in their face ... UFC style.
- "A" button: Use your enemy as a "meatshield" that limits your weapon choice to a pistol. And, yes, your meatshield can and will disintegrate in your arms after taking on enemy fire. If they don't get ripped apart, you can always dispense of your meatshield with a good old snap of the neck.


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