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14 001

Sonntag, 10. August 2014, 12:42

Von Twitter:


Kommt Abwärtskompatibilität ? Immerhin ist da das alte Logo zu sehen

Da is auch nen @. Kommt der E-Mail Client? :p

Schon mal was von ID @ Xbox gehört ?

14 002

Sonntag, 10. August 2014, 12:44

Von Twitter:


Kommt Abwärtskompatibilität ? Immerhin ist da das alte Logo zu sehen

Da is auch nen @. Kommt der E-Mail Client? :p

Gerüchten zufolge kommt nicht nur nen Email Client sondern nen ganzes Office wenn man will oder man schon ne bestimmte Version hat.

Gerüchte Gerüchte ^^

naja warten wir erstmal nächste Woche ab
was sie uns neues Sagen

auf alle fälle bin ich auf das neue FH2 Build gespannt
und natürlich Quantum Break



Beiträge: 575

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14 003

Sonntag, 10. August 2014, 16:39

Gamescom hype!

14 004

Montag, 11. August 2014, 01:36

naja warten wir erstmal [...] ab

Ein Forum ersetzt nicht den gesunden Menschenverstand!

14 005

Dienstag, 12. August 2014, 16:03


Ahead of our gamescom briefing live from Cologne, Germany at 2:00 p.m. CEST – that’s 8:00 a.m. ET and 5:00 a.m. PT – I’m excited to announce new and exciting features coming to Xbox One within the next few months.

We’ve been bringing tons of new features to Xbox One fans worldwide throughout the year. Thanks to the recently-launched Xbox Feedback, our fans have played a huge role in shaping these updates. In fact, we’ve received thousands of posts and more than 400,000 votes to date.

Starting in the early access program later this month, new social features making it easier for gamers to connect with their friends and new ways to access their TV and entertainment throughout their homes will be coming to Xbox One. The updates include:

New “Friends” section – the new Friends section has been available for a few early access Preview members and we’re expanding it to everyone enrolled in the Preview program. The new Friends section enables users to see at a glance what’s going on with their friends. They can stay up-to-date with their current activities, the most popular games their friends are playing, and a Gamerscore leaderboard to see who has improved their Gamerscore over the last 30 days.

Snap Center – Some of gamers’ favorite features in the Xbox 360 guide, are coming to Xbox One in a way that’s now truly be side-by-side with games. Messages, friends, parties, and achievements will all be available in the new Snap Center, providing a seamless way to switch back and forth without having to leave a game.
Threaded Messages – keeping gamers in their games while they multitask has been a huge focus. The new Messages app features threaded messages with the full conversation history – including embedded links to Game DVR clips – that can be viewed without interrupting gameplay.

Media Player – a new app will be available soon that enables users to play media files from either an attached USB device or from a network connected home media server that supports DLNA protocols. The preview version of the Media Player app will initially only support USB devices, with DLNA support coming soon. Xbox One will support more formats than Xbox 360, including support for dozens of new file formats like mpeg 2 TS, animated gifs and mkv which will be added by the end of the year. See below for additional file formats.
Xbox One Digital TV Tuner –announced last week, this new accessory will enter a limited preview program in Europe (UK, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain), in advance of its retail launch beginning in October.

Stream TV to SmartGlass – launching first in markets receiving the Xbox Digital TV Tuner, Xbox One owners will be able to stream their TV across their home network to their smartphones and tablets using the Xbox SmartGlass app. They can also pause, play and rewind as well as change channels, without interrupting gameplay on the Xbox One. This will work for SmartGlass apps on Windows, iOS, and Android.

Boot to TV – Now Xbox One owners will be able to set their console to boot directly to television when coming out of connected standby.

Live TV mini guide – for markets where OneGuide is available, a new mini guide on the bottom of the screen will display details about the TV content that is currently playing. Users can quickly change channels and see what’s on other channels, while still watching TV.

Country Expansion – we’re doing a lot of work on the backend to prepare for Xbox One to launch in 29 new markets
in the coming weeks.

As with previous updates, these may be rolling out in general availability to Xbox One owners at different stages in the coming months. We continue to be amazed by our fans’ enthusiasm for our Xbox One system updates and their fantastic input. We’re working hard to make Xbox One more social and the best place for all your games and entertainment, and we can’t wait to roll out these new features, and more, in the coming months.

Later today, my gamescom co-host Acey Bongos, and one of the lead engineers on Xbox, Ashley Speicher, are demoing the new features. Stay tuned and we’ll post that demo a little later.

Xbox One compatible file types

3gp audio
3gp video
animated gif
avi divx
avi dv
avi uncompressed
avi xvid
h264 avchd
mpeg 1 ps
mpeg 2
mpeg 2 hd
mpeg 2 ts
mpeg 4 h264 aac
mpeg 4 sp
wma lossless
wma pro
wma voice
wmv hd
Xbox One By Jeff Rubenstein

permalink: http://majornelson.com/2014/08/12/kickin…rt-coming-soon/

14 006

Dienstag, 12. August 2014, 16:37

Stream TV to Smartglass
Mediaplayer mit DLNA



Beiträge: 7 979

Wohnort: Bayern

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14 007

Dienstag, 12. August 2014, 17:25

mal ne Frage, immer wenn ich ein Spiel per Twitch übertragen will kommt ein Fehler.
Habt ihr ne Ahnung was es sein könnte bzw wie es zu lösen ist?



Beiträge: 459

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Beruf: Elektroniker für Betriebstechnik

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14 008

Dienstag, 12. August 2014, 17:28

mal ne Frage, immer wenn ich ein Spiel per Twitch übertragen will kommt ein Fehler.
Habt ihr ne Ahnung was es sein könnte bzw wie es zu lösen ist?

Stream in den Xbox Einstellungen erlaubt?



Beiträge: 7 979

Wohnort: Bayern

Beruf: vorhanden!

  • XBFA Fuchsl
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14 009

Dienstag, 12. August 2014, 17:33

mal ne Frage, immer wenn ich ein Spiel per Twitch übertragen will kommt ein Fehler.
Habt ihr ne Ahnung was es sein könnte bzw wie es zu lösen ist?

Stream in den Xbox Einstellungen erlaubt?

muss ich gleich mal nachsehen!

Danke für den Tipp!



Beiträge: 2 963

Wohnort: Krefeld

Beruf: Anlagenmechaniker/in - Sanitär-, Heizungs- und Klimatechnik

  • Querbrain
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14 010

Dienstag, 12. August 2014, 18:03

Ja unter Einstellungen, dann glaube ich Voreinstellung und dort Übertragung usw. Erlauben.

Gesendet von meinem Pokedex C3000
:cursing: Wahhhh Cousin, wallah ich hab Appetit :cursing:



Beiträge: 132

Wohnort: Niedersachsen

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14 011

Dienstag, 12. August 2014, 18:08

wenn schon ein Fehler kommt dann sag doch jedenfalls mal welcher :) Ist ja meist ein Fehlercode dabei

14 012

Dienstag, 12. August 2014, 18:52

14 013

Dienstag, 12. August 2014, 21:17

14 014

Dienstag, 12. August 2014, 21:21


Ahead of our gamescom briefing live from Cologne, Germany at 2:00 p.m. CEST – that’s 8:00 a.m. ET and 5:00 a.m. PT – I’m excited to announce new and exciting features coming to Xbox One within the next few months.

We’ve been bringing tons of new features to Xbox One fans worldwide throughout the year. Thanks to the recently-launched Xbox Feedback, our fans have played a huge role in shaping these updates. In fact, we’ve received thousands of posts and more than 400,000 votes to date.

Starting in the early access program later this month, new social features making it easier for gamers to connect with their friends and new ways to access their TV and entertainment throughout their homes will be coming to Xbox One. The updates include:

New “Friends” section – the new Friends section has been available for a few early access Preview members and we’re expanding it to everyone enrolled in the Preview program. The new Friends section enables users to see at a glance what’s going on with their friends. They can stay up-to-date with their current activities, the most popular games their friends are playing, and a Gamerscore leaderboard to see who has improved their Gamerscore over the last 30 days.

Snap Center – Some of gamers’ favorite features in the Xbox 360 guide, are coming to Xbox One in a way that’s now truly be side-by-side with games. Messages, friends, parties, and achievements will all be available in the new Snap Center, providing a seamless way to switch back and forth without having to leave a game.
Threaded Messages – keeping gamers in their games while they multitask has been a huge focus. The new Messages app features threaded messages with the full conversation history – including embedded links to Game DVR clips – that can be viewed without interrupting gameplay.

Media Player – a new app will be available soon that enables users to play media files from either an attached USB device or from a network connected home media server that supports DLNA protocols. The preview version of the Media Player app will initially only support USB devices, with DLNA support coming soon. Xbox One will support more formats than Xbox 360, including support for dozens of new file formats like mpeg 2 TS, animated gifs and mkv which will be added by the end of the year. See below for additional file formats.
Xbox One Digital TV Tuner –announced last week, this new accessory will enter a limited preview program in Europe (UK, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain), in advance of its retail launch beginning in October.

Stream TV to SmartGlass – launching first in markets receiving the Xbox Digital TV Tuner, Xbox One owners will be able to stream their TV across their home network to their smartphones and tablets using the Xbox SmartGlass app. They can also pause, play and rewind as well as change channels, without interrupting gameplay on the Xbox One. This will work for SmartGlass apps on Windows, iOS, and Android.

Boot to TV – Now Xbox One owners will be able to set their console to boot directly to television when coming out of connected standby.

Live TV mini guide – for markets where OneGuide is available, a new mini guide on the bottom of the screen will display details about the TV content that is currently playing. Users can quickly change channels and see what’s on other channels, while still watching TV.

Country Expansion – we’re doing a lot of work on the backend to prepare for Xbox One to launch in 29 new markets
in the coming weeks.

As with previous updates, these may be rolling out in general availability to Xbox One owners at different stages in the coming months. We continue to be amazed by our fans’ enthusiasm for our Xbox One system updates and their fantastic input. We’re working hard to make Xbox One more social and the best place for all your games and entertainment, and we can’t wait to roll out these new features, and more, in the coming months.

Later today, my gamescom co-host Acey Bongos, and one of the lead engineers on Xbox, Ashley Speicher, are demoing the new features. Stay tuned and we’ll post that demo a little later.

Xbox One compatible file types

3gp audio
3gp video
animated gif
avi divx
avi dv
avi uncompressed
avi xvid
h264 avchd
mpeg 1 ps
mpeg 2
mpeg 2 hd
mpeg 2 ts
mpeg 4 h264 aac
mpeg 4 sp
wma lossless
wma pro
wma voice
wmv hd
Xbox One By Jeff Rubenstein

permalink: http://majornelson.com/2014/08/12/kickin…rt-coming-soon/

aka: Alle Formate in denen ihr eure Filme "erwerbt" :biglaugh:


FRONT Inventar

Beiträge: 8 887

Wohnort: NRW

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14 015

Dienstag, 12. August 2014, 22:17

Endlich mal eine Ankündigung für den USB-Support und dann auch mit mkv. :thumbup:

Was mir immernoch fehlt, ist die TuneIn-App, um endlich mal Internetradio hören zu können sowie die Möglichkeit, Entertain von der Telekom zu schauen und auf eine externe Festplatte aufzunehmen (meinetwegen verschlüsselt).

@ Shaggy: :schmeissweg:

14 016

Mittwoch, 13. August 2014, 13:28

Auf dem DX12 Sektor passiert wieder was.
Auf der SIGGRAPH 2014 (die, die auch Ryse als schönste Grafik gekrönt haben), hat Intel paar Demo gezeigt, und vergleiche mit DirectX 11 gemacht.
Hier paar Aussagen und vergleichs Bilder:

hier die Quelle:

»Tomkoga« hat folgende Bilder angehängt:
  • sp3_dx11.jpg
  • sp3_dx11_dx12_perf.jpg
  • sp3_dx11_dx12_power.jpg

14 017

Mittwoch, 13. August 2014, 16:06

Leidermit geringen Auswirkungen auf die XOne, da der Esram-Flaschenhals weiterhin die Bremse ist.

14 018

Mittwoch, 13. August 2014, 16:11

Leidermit geringen Auswirkungen auf die XOne, da der Esram-Flaschenhals weiterhin die Bremse ist.

Woher hast Du diese Informationen?

14 019

Mittwoch, 13. August 2014, 16:22

Aus dem Kopf ;)

Neo sagte mal das dx12 sich nicht auf die Grafische Qualität wiederspiegelt. (Was anderes sagen die Screenshots auch nicht).

Es hilft die CPU zu entlasten und die X1 arbeitet bereits mit teilen der dx12 Struktur (soweit ich den damaligen EntwicklerBlog noch im Kopf habe) [angabe also ohne Gewähr]

Sprich Sie profitiert "weniger" als der PC. Was aber so oder so mehr als Logisch ist, da die X1 ein geschlossenen System ist und der eSram keinen Flaschenhals darstellt (wenn man mal die Phasen betracthet die MS mal genannt hatte). Den eSram als Flaschenhals darzustellen kommt maßgeblich von der "Presse" und den "Insidern".

14 020

Mittwoch, 13. August 2014, 16:24

Welche? Flaschenhals Esram? Ist bekannt. DX12 keine Wunderwaffe? Aussage von CD Projekt Red.

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