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[ X360 ] Rev64

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Sonntag, 15. April 2007, 14:39


habt ihr euch schonmal das angeschaut?


total verwirrend...auf der Homepage sieht man nur ein verletzten Mann...

denke es hat was mit Krieg zu tun...da manchmal im Hintergrund Soldaten rumlaufen...wisst ihr da was? ?( ?(


Sonntag, 15. April 2007, 15:05

Ich hab irgendwo mal eine Vermutung von einem neuen, modernen Amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg gelesen, aber weiß nicht mehr wo das war.

Ansonten kannste ja mal das Forum durchgehen, auch wenn es (absichtlich?) nicht gerade einladend aussieht.


Oh, und was ich gerade noch in den Forum gefunden habe und für erwähnenswert halte:


Also in the text is the sentance:
-He is 32.1 years old.
-He enlisted on 02-07-09.

And it appears that he had a "COMMAND CLASS CROSS-COM." And who ever is holding him is his enemy after he was captured. They only got 54% of the data that it held.
So if he is 32, and and he was born on 22-02-91, then the current date for this game to take place is 2023.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Borstel« (15. April 2007, 15:07)


Sonntag, 15. April 2007, 15:42


Original von bananajoeX
ahja... ?(


Okay, let's get information/ideas we have gathered from reading/watching the stuff on rev64. Oh, and lets call the man JSF, due to the number of these forums and the link to them on rev64. There is definitely more, so feel free to post more info, I will try to put it up here. Please try to post the same way I do, and continue the numbering system.

1. It appears this takes place in the 2020s, with mentions of the 2026 Winter Games and JSF being born in 91' and appearing to be in his 30s.
2. It looks like this may be a crossover of Ubisoft's Tom Clancy games with apparent references to Ghosts, Splinter Cells, and special ops groups.
3. A major war is going on. This has caused famine on a global scale with everything, including water, dangerously low.
4. If you read closely, somewhere in the text it says pre-nuclear, it is possible nuclear bombs have been detonated.
5. Alot of fighting is happening in both Europe and the US, possibly more areas.
6. JSF appears to be in a hospital and possibly crazy.
7. Reverse immigration, from the USA to China, Mexico, and Canada (probably more) is occuring.
8. It appears JSF's family was killed.
9. It is possible that JSF is a Sargent in the army due to the fact that a "Sarge" is often referred to in the videos.
10. It appears that, whenever JSF got hurt, it happend in Italy trying to take/defend an area.
11. JSF seems to be important, many files of his are classified.
12. As stated above, the US has been attacked.
A) Washington, D.C. is no longer the US capital. The new capital appears to be in Boston.
B) The fighting is nearing the Midwest.
C) The New York Stock Exchange has been relocated to Chicago.
D) The CIA, FBI, NSA, and the Pentagon have been relocated.
13. OPEC has disintegrated.

Auch aus dem Forum, man muss sich halt reinlesen, gerade der "Information/Ideas" Thread ist interessant.

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