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Samstag, 28. Mai 2005, 18:33

Jade Empire: Frage zu chars.

bei den kästen mit den fragezeichen .
ich bekomme die chars. nicht , nur das mädchen mit dem monster , weiß jemand , wo ich die anderen her bekomme?


Samstag, 28. Mai 2005, 20:43


You character may at various points of the game have twelve different
companions. Ten of the character will have options to join appear during the
scripted conversations. Ya Zhen and Death's Hand are special cases and can be
missed. Followers of the Way of the Open Palm will not want Death Hand to by
available as the means to gaining him as a follower required an act totally
within the Way of the Closed fist.

1. Dawn Star
Attack: Long Sword
Support: Recovers you Chi
Dawn Star's attacks can damage spirits.

In Game Description: Dawn Star's magical sensitivity gives her added insight
into the world around her. In battle she cuts swiftly with her long sword.

Can be gained in Chapter 1 in the school.
2. Sagacious Zu
Attack Staff
Support: You deal extra damage with weapons styles.
Zu's attacks can damage spirits.

In Game Description: Sagacious Zu's mysterious past belies great experience
and skill. His staff is a valuable asset in battle.

Can be gained in Chapter 1 in the swamps.

3. The Black Whirlwind
Attack: Dual Axes
Support: None

In Game Description: The Black Whirlwind's attacks can damage spirits. The
Black Whirlwind's a warrior of exceptional girth and immeasurable brutality.
In combat, his axes gleefully plow through enemies, not stopping until the red
mists fade.

Can be gained in Chapter 2 near the Shadow Fox's Temple.

4. Kang the Mad
Special: Speak with Kang to access Dragonfly mini-games and travel.

In Game Description: The aptly named Kang the Mad is the brilliant inventor of
the marvelous Dragonfly. While he won't join in a fight, he offers perilous
adventures of his own.

Can be gained in Chapter 2 in the Pirates Lair.

5. Sky
Attack: Dual Sabers
Support: Recovers you Focus
Sky's attacks can damages spirits

In Game Description: Sky is a dashing rogue and a skilled thief with a tongue
as sharp as the twin sabers he uses in combat.

Can be gained in Chapter 2 in the Pirates Lair.

6. Henpecked Hou
Attack: None
Support: Drops wine jugs that enable the Drunken Master style.

Drunken Master style, can complete a harmonic combo.

Pick up Hou's wine jugs to activate Drunken master style. This style does
much more damage that other martial styles but it is only available for a
short time once activated. Picking up more wine jugs extends the duration of
Drunken Master Style.

In Game Description: Hen pecked Hou is a master bun maker and a former
fighting champion. He refuses to fight these days out of respect for his
beloved wife.

Can be gained in Chapter 2 in the Pilgrim's Rest Inn.

7. Silk Fox
Attack: Long Sword
Support: You deal extra damage with Martial styles.
Silk Fox's attacks can damage spirits.

In Game Description: Silk Fox is as enigmatic as she is beautiful. When
her long sword is not flashing from foe to foe, she lends hers skills to you.

Can be gained at the beginning of Chapter 3 after several encounters in
chapter 2.

8. Zin Bu
Special: Press A to enter Zin Bu's store.

In Game Description: Zin Bu the Magic Abacus is a celestial bureaucrat who
seeks to shift over to sales. Check back often; his magical store
occasionally restocks itself to help you on your journey.

Can be gained in chapter 2 on entry to Heaven.

9. Wild Flower - Chai Ka
Attack: Demon Form
Support: Recovers your health
Chai Ka's attacks can damage spirits

In Game Description: A guardian demon bound in the body of a child. Chai Ka
will fight alongside you with his great strength or channel his power through

Can be gained in chapter 2 after emerging from the ruins of old Tien.

10. Wild Flower - Ya Zhen
Attack: Demon Form
Support: Recovers your health
Ya Zhen's attacks can damage spirits

In Game Description: A hideous demon using Wild flower's body as an anchor.
Ya Zhen tears through enemies with his claws and tongue.

To get Ya Zhen you'll need to talk to Wild Flower several times at the flyer
pad in chapter 3 and ask to talk to the demons. Ya Zhen will eventual appear
in the list.

11. Death's Hand
Attack: Fallen Blades
Support: NONE

In Game Description: The body and spirit of the tortured Prince Kin are yours
to command. Just as he did for both Sun Hai and Sun Li, Death's Hand serves
you with ruthless efficiency and brutal strength.

You can only get Death's hand if you defeat him as Sun Kin in Chapter 6 as
persistently insist on binding him instead of freeing him.

12. Abbot Song
Attack: Monk Spade
Support: Recovers you Chi, Focus, and Health
Abbot Song's attacks can damage spirits.

In Game Description: The Abbot of the doomed Spirit Monks, Abbot Song servers
the Water Dragon, even in death. His hope for redemption lies with you.

Can be gained in chapter 5 on the bridge in Dirge.



Samstag, 28. Mai 2005, 20:46

danke hab noch ne fr4age:

den stil bull rush (oder so ähnlich )
den man im prewiev video in der gamepro geshen hat , wo bekommt mamn den`?


Samstag, 28. Mai 2005, 20:55

Hm, Gameprovideo?! Keine Ahnung...

War das sowas?

"You’ll have to use your focus mode, so you slow down everything around you while you stay the same speed, then use a quick style to soften them up, then change to Iron Palm, where you can bull rush them with a head butt and kill them."

Viele Styles sind Combos verschiedener Techniken, es steht im jeweiligen Stilinfo-Screen erklärt.

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