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Donnerstag, 3. November 2011, 19:33

Neues BioWare Franchise

Dieses Mal ein richtiges neues Franchise.


The annual Video Game Awards show is just around the corner and teases for this year's big announcements have begun.

Three promised reveals include a look at a brand new franchise from BioWare, the developer behind Mass Effect and Dragon Age. We'll also get a look at the next Alan Wake title and a full reveal of Metal Gear Solid: Rising. We'll have the first teaser images of these titles this Monday at Gameinformer.com (also featured in the December issue), so check back then.



Montag, 7. November 2011, 18:22


Here is the first image of Bioware's new, unannounced project, set for reveal at the Video Game Awards show next month.

The image reveals a fantastic-looking collision in a desert setting. Like what you see? Click below for an expanded view. We'll be posting the first screenshot of the next Alan Wake game later this afternoon.

The Video Game Awards show airs on Saturday, December 10 on Spike TV, MTV2 And Spike.com at 8:00 p.m. EST.


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