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Mittwoch, 10. Mai 2006, 10:27


Original von Mr.Blond


Original von b0Nsi
aber die spiele bestehen doch nicht aus rumfuchteln....

zelda meteo etc, sind doch so gut wie ganz normal. naja, is ansichtssache ^^ aber ich mach es ja ned anders

1. PC
2. Wii

So wird's bei mir auch aussehen:

1. PC
2. Wii

Und meine kleine Zockerwelt ist in Ordnung! :D

:) man hat einfach alles was man braucht. alle spiele!!!

der pc is einfach das beste "online-medium" und darum gehts mir am meisten.

der wii ist eine absolute party konsole, mit noch super anderen spielen, wie zelda meteo mario... dazu geht auch online, wahnsinn :)


Mittwoch, 10. Mai 2006, 10:41

Ich werd mal abwarten, wie die Grafik auf dem Wii wird und was so für neue Spiele rauskommen werden. Die Steuerung überzeugt mich noch nicht. Bin zu faul, mich die ganze Zeit beim Spielen zu bewegen :biglaugh:
Aber es wird auf einen Test ankommen...

Ich fahr jedenfalls mit Xbox 360 und meinem Gamecube zur Zeit sehr gut! Xbox für realistische Games (PGR, Tomb Raider, Top Spin) und Gamecube für die typischen Nintendo Spiele (Mario, Zelda, Harvest Moon etc.). Für Unterwegs hab ich noch den DS.
Und seit ich die Xbox hab, spiel ich fast gar nicht mehr am PC. Mal Siedler oder ein Adventure (Moment of Silence), aber sonst isser zu einem reinen Arbeitstier geworden.
Dank an MS, dass ich nun nicht mehr immer meinen PC aufrüsten muss :P




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Mittwoch, 10. Mai 2006, 10:44


Original von Sonix360
Ich werd mal abwarten, wie die Grafik auf dem Wii wird und was so für neue Spiele rauskommen werden. Die Steuerung überzeugt mich noch nicht. Bin zu faul, mich die ganze Zeit beim Spielen zu bewegen :biglaugh:
Aber es wird auf einen Test ankommen...

Ich fahr jedenfalls mit Xbox 360 und meinem Gamecube zur Zeit sehr gut! Xbox für realistische Games (PGR, Tomb Raider, Top Spin) und Gamecube für die typischen Nintendo Spiele (Mario, Zelda, Harvest Moon etc.). Für Unterwegs hab ich noch den DS.
Und seit ich die Xbox hab, spiel ich fast gar nicht mehr am PC. Mal Siedler oder ein Adventure (Moment of Silence), aber sonst isser zu einem reinen Arbeitstier geworden.
Dank an MS, dass ich nun nicht mehr immer meinen PC aufrüsten muss :P


hehe :)
naja wiegesagt, mir macht es nicht den eindruck das man bei allen Wii spielen sich bewegen muss.
mich überzeugt die grafik :) weil ich diesen comicstyle allem anderen jederzeit vorziehen würde, das is aber geschmackssache.

ich hatte 2mal die xbox 360 und beides mal wieder verkauft, weil ich immer nur am pc hing :) so geht das ^^ nun hab ich nen übertriebenen pc der einfach alles rockt :D


Mittwoch, 10. Mai 2006, 11:10

naja bei mir versauert jetzt leider die kurz vor der Anschaffung der Xbox 360 gekaufte PC-hardware. Bis ein paar Wochen vor dem Release der Xbox war ich noch total anti-MS/-Xbox eingestellt. Weiß auch nicht genau, was mich dann zum Kauf der Xbox 360 gebracht hat.
Habs jedenfalls bisher keine Sekunde bereuht! ;)



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Mittwoch, 10. Mai 2006, 11:16


Original von Sonix360
naja bei mir versauert jetzt leider die kurz vor der Anschaffung der Xbox 360 gekaufte PC-hardware. Bis ein paar Wochen vor dem Release der Xbox war ich noch total anti-MS/-Xbox eingestellt. Weiß auch nicht genau, was mich dann zum Kauf der Xbox 360 gebracht hat.
Habs jedenfalls bisher keine Sekunde bereuht! ;)

so sollte es auch am ende sein :)

ich hatte mich auf die box gefreut, und war eigentlich total enttäuscht, war einfach nen unnötiger kauf für mich. deshalb war ich froh sie jedesmal wieder sehr gut verkauft zu haben :)

dennoch ist die box eine super konsole!!! nur mein pc is besser ^^ :Ddafür aber auch 4mal so teuer, fast 5mal (premium)



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Mittwoch, 10. Mai 2006, 12:38

na ja, ich find's einfach langweilig am pc zu spielen. zocker-feeling mit der maus? nein, das gilt für mich wirklich nicht.

zum wii: gefallen haben mir das neue mario und zelda. das wären die spiele, die es wert wären.

die steuerung? mal abwarten. beim tennis wurden die figuren nicht gesteuert, es wurde nur geschlagen. wohl eher ein party-spiel für nicht-hardcore-zocker.

auch beim titel red steel empfand ich die steuerung als träge und unpraktisch. gerade das sich drehen, um die ecke laufen, dauerte.

interessant ist wii auf jeden fall. kaufen? wohl nicht.



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Mittwoch, 10. Mai 2006, 12:42


Original von thunderforce
na ja, ich find's einfach langweilig am pc zu spielen. zocker-feeling mit der maus? nein, das gilt für mich wirklich nicht.

zum wii: gefallen haben mir das neue mario und zelda. das wären die spiele, die es wert wären.

die steuerung? mal abwarten. beim tennis wurden die figuren nicht gesteuert, es wurde nur geschlagen. wohl eher ein party-spiel für nicht-hardcore-zocker.

auch beim titel red steel empfand ich die steuerung als träge und unpraktisch. gerade das sich drehen, um die ecke laufen, dauerte.

interessant ist wii auf jeden fall. kaufen? wohl nicht.

warum nur maus?
du kannst doch auch mim controler spielen..... aber die nötigen games halt mit der maus, strategie etc...

naja egal gehört hier nicht rein :)

man kann zur steuerung nix sagen, da sie noch keiner selbst erlebt hat. ob träge oder nicht, sind nur spekulationen, für mich sah es top aus, nun zwei meinungen :) wer recht hat? ka

kaufgrund Wii = JA
1. mario zelda :)
3. zu 99% der PREIS



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Mittwoch, 10. Mai 2006, 12:54

zum pc: wenn mit controller ist das spielgefühl sowieso am fernseher besser imo.

zum wii: zu 1. ja, aber dann ist das alte nintendo-problem mit zu wenig anderen guten spielen (geschmacksache)

zu 2. ich feiere nicht jeden tag eine party. ist wie mit den ps2-party-titeln singstar und konsorten: kann man mal machen...

zu 3. ja.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »thunderforce« (10. Mai 2006, 12:54)



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Mittwoch, 10. Mai 2006, 12:56


Original von thunderforce
zum pc: wenn mit controller ist das spielgefühl sowieso am fernseher besser imo.

zum wii: zu 1. ja, aber dann ist das alte nintendo-problem mit zu wenig anderen guten spielen (geschmacksache)

zu 2. ich feiere nicht jeden tag eine party. ist wie mit den ps2-party-titeln singstar und konsorten: kann man mal machen...

zu 3. ja.

du kannst den pc auch am TV anschlißen und dieses sieht auch göttlich aus ^^ gibt für alles eine lösung :)

1. is halt geschmackssache, so soll es aber auch sein, so soll auich der kaufgrund in meinen augen sein.

2. klar macht man sie nicht so oft, aber wenn man sie mal macht, denke ich schon das der wii da was lustiger ist :)


Mittwoch, 10. Mai 2006, 16:52

E3: Nintendo zeigt Spiele für Wii-Konsole

Nintendo hat auf seiner Pressekonferenz der Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) erstmals sein Spieleportfolio zur neuen Konsole Wii (ehemals Revolution) ausgebreitet. Auf der Spaßmesse können insgesamt 27 Spieledemos mit der neuartigen Fernbedienung angespielt werden. Zum Starttermin und Verkaufspreis schwieg Nintendo jedoch, lediglich das vierte Quartal 2006 wurde bestätigt.

Auf der Pressekonferenz zeigte Nintendo erstmals, wie sich das Action-Adventure The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess mit dem Wii-Controller spielt. Mit der Fernbedienung schwingt man das Schwert, zielt wie mit einem Bogen intuitiv auf entfernte Gegner oder wirft einen Bumerang. Damit man den richtigen Punkt auf dem Bildschirm trifft, zeigt ein kleines Licht (eine Fairy) die Position des Controllers an.

In die Fernbedienung hat Nintendo einen Lautsprecher eingebaut, der die entsprechenden Töne wiedergibt, wenn zum Beispiel ein Pfeil abgeschossen wird, sodass der Controller in die Klangumgebung der Konsole integriert wird. Im Unterschied zu Sonys PS3-Gamepad hat Nintendo auch eine Rumble-Funktion eingebaut. Zur weiteren Technik des Controllers schwiegen die Japaner, die Demos zeigten jedoch deutlich, dass mit der Wii-Steuerung sehr genaue Bewegungen möglich sind. Die Soundwiedergabe setzt eine kabellose Datenverbindung zur Fernbedienung voraus. Ein normales Gyroskop kann sich eigentlich nicht in der Fernbedienung befinden, da der Vibrationsmotor sie stören würde.

Zelda wird zum Launch der Wii-Konsole sowohl in einer Gamecube- als auch in einer Wii-Version ausgeliefert. Als zweiten Launch-Titel kündigte Nintendo die Sportsammlung Wii Sports an, mit der man Tennis, Golf und Baseball spielen kann. Die schlichte Grafik erinnerte dabei an Sonys Everybodys Golf, was jedoch niemanden störte. Bei einem virtuellen Tennis-Match vermittelten Satoru Iwata und Shigeru Mijamoto, Reggie Fils-Aime und ein Spieler aus dem Publikum so viel Spaß, dass man Nintendo warscheinlich auch eine Wii-Version von Pong abkaufen würde. Tennis könne jeder in der Familie spielen, so Mijamoto, man muss lediglich mit der Fernbedienung ausholen und spielt Topspin, Lob oder Slice.

Als weitere Appetithappen zeigte Nintendo kurze Videoclips von Super Mario Galaxy, dem Autorennspiel Excite Truck bei dem der Controller-Stab als Lenkrad dient, Project H.A.M.M.E.R. bei dem der Spieler alles mit einem Hammer zerschlagen darf, den Ego-Shooter Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Wario Ware, Table Tennis, Fire Emblem und Disaster: Day of Crisis. Zu den Spielen von Drittherstellern gehörten Final Fantasy Cronicles von Square Enix, Sonic the Hedgehog von Sega und Rayman Raving Rabbids von Ubisoft. Alles in allem ein ausgewogenes Spielepaket, in dem für Kinder und Erwachsene, Vielspieler und Neulinge etwas dabei ist. Selbst bei bekannten Reihen wie Metroid oder Mario dürften sich die Wii-Versionen aufgrund der Steuerung völlig anders spielen als bisher.

Ubisoft zeigte auch eine spielbare Demo des Shooters Red Steel, bei dem der Spieler mit der Fernbedienung zielt und schießt und sich mit dem ansteckbaren Zusatzcontroller (Nunchuck genannt) bewegt. In besonderen Situationen kann der Spieler die Zeit verlangsamen und jeden Gegner in einer schnellen Folge einzeln anzielen. Im Nahkampf zieht der Spieler zwei Schwerter und wirbelt mit dem Controller um sich. Die Grafik wusste zwar mit ihren zum Teil grobaufgelösten Texturen und den wie Schießbudenfiguren auftauchenden Gegnern nicht so recht zu überzeugen, das schien dem Spielspaß jedoch nur wenig zu schaden.

Zu den wenigen technischen Details, die Nintendo lüftete, gehörte der Online-Service Wii Connect 24. Die Wii-Konsole verfügt über einen besonders stromsparenden Stand-by-Modus, in dem der Lüfter abgeschaltet wird, die Konsole aber trotzdem über den eingebauten Opera-Browser online bleibt und Daten herunterladen kann. Die Wii-Konsole soll somit völlig geräuschlos immer online bleiben und ist ohne Ladezeiten betriebsbereit – ein Feature, um dass sie sicherlich viele Xbox-Live-Nutzer beneiden.

So stiehlt Nintendo mit der Wii-Konsole trotz offensichtlich geringerer Rechenleistung den Konkurrenzprodukten von Sony und Microsoft auf der E3 die Show. Das neue Konzept macht selbst Kritiker neugierig, die Fernbedienung einmal selbst auszuprobieren, und genau das wollte Nintendo erreichen.

Quelle: www.heise.de

E3 2006: Bozon's Thoughts on Nintendo's Conference
It's do or die time from Nintendo. Did the Big N show enough potential?

May 9, 2006 - While in Pre-E3 mode, there were a ton of questions that myself and Matt have been dealing with. We saw a ton of content before the show, and we even had a chance to hands-on at times. Amazingly enough, when the actual conference was finished, I didn't find many of my questions answered, or any huge advancements in Nintendo's position.

Two years and running... we finally get our revolution day.
Maybe it's just the fact that we've been seeing it in motion, or that we already knew about a few of the big secrets ahead of time, but the entire conference was actually a bit weak. There were multiple issues that stopped the presentation from being the blowout that I felt it should be. In fact, I'd wager to say the actual content on the showroom floor will still blow me a way, while the actual speeches left both Matt and I a bit worried.

The Glass is Half Empty:
-No Super Smash Bros? When you promise a launch title, it would be nice to at least comment on it when it doesn't show up.
-Rehashed footage. Why did we see the same video clips over and over again? Was there really a shortage of quality film?
-Technical difficulties: More than half of Red Steel's presentation wasn't shown. Yikes.
-Nintendo Sports. It may be basic for a reason, but it seriously looks like a joke. I gave Top Spin 2 for DS a 2.0 out of 10, and the overall presentation of that blew away Wii launch titles? I know it's simple for a reason, but this is still a next-gen system. Weak.
-No comment on huge games. Where was Super Monkey Ball? Metal Slug Anthology? How about Trauma Center?
-No Virtual Console details. Are you insane?
-Metroid prime looked only a tad better. At least it plays awesome!
-No price point.
-No launch date.
-Footage quality was weak. Red Steel actually looked worse at the conference.

It's hard to get super excited for a system launch when the same couple games are shown over and over. In my opinion, the sports titles actually hurt the presentation, as Super Monkey Ball will already have sports games (such as baseball and bowling) that will kick the crap out of those. If the sports game is a launch title, it better be a free pack-in.

I couldn't have said it better myself. We go hands-on tomorrow!
Of course not everything was bad. It's hard to sit here and put off the vibe that I didn't have a blast. Even the simple games looked like fun to play, and the potential for awesome gameplay still remains. Like Nintendo said: "Playing is Believing."

The Glass is Half Full:
-I've played Tony Hawk, and it's a blast.
-Mario. Nothing more needs to be said.
-Zelda looks great. The fact that it will be a "Wii Launch Title" of sorts will help a ton.
-The games looked fun to play. Plain and simple.
-Excite Truck will kick my ass and take my name.
-27 titles to play tomorrow? That's a TON of potential.
-Metroid still looks like a blast to play.
-100 DS titles? Wow. Some of it looks great, too.
-24 Hour Connection. Lots of potential.
-Despite the looks… everything still had a great potential to be FUN to play. In the end, that is what will make or break the system.

So as you can see, I'm a mixed bag on this conference. There was a ton of great stuff, but a whole lot left to be desired as well. No shell (or VC) controller, hardly any 3rd party games to show off, and a lack of answers to final questions really hurt, but in the end Nintendo showed a ton of potential, and that's all it took for DS in 2004 as well. Now look at where it is. I personally think Nintendo didn't give the price point since it is still undetermined. Iwata and Co. might be waiting to judge reactions and see how the PS3 and 360 present themselves. Wii needs to be $199.99 or less, otherwise this is going to be a tough sell.

I would give the overall power of the media briefing about a B- since there was some great stuff to see, a few things that were seriously lacking, but an overall decent effort. It's just a tough thing to face, since we were all hoping for an A+ effort, and it just didn't come out that well.

Quelle: www.ign.com


Mittwoch, 10. Mai 2006, 17:59

Damit steht es endgültig fest:

Capcom kündigt exklusives Resident Evil für den Nintendo Wii an

Wie Capcom soeben auf der E3 2006 bekannt gab, wird der Nintendo Wii ein exklsuives Resident Evil bekommen. Es könnte möglicherweise noch vor Resident Evil 5 (PS3 und Xbox 360) erscheinen und die Möglickeiten des Wii-Controllers komplett nutzen.

Laut Capcom will man die Resident Evil-typische Atmosphäre mit den einzigartigen Eigenschaften des Nintendo Wii kombinieren um ein intensives Resident Evil zu erschaffen.

Quelle: www.consolewars.de



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Mittwoch, 10. Mai 2006, 21:18


Original von b0Nsi
du kannst den pc auch am TV anschlißen und dieses sieht auch göttlich aus ^^ gibt für alles eine lösung :)

1. is halt geschmackssache, so soll es aber auch sein, so soll auich der kaufgrund in meinen augen sein.

2. klar macht man sie nicht so oft, aber wenn man sie mal macht, denke ich schon das der wii da was lustiger ist :)

Also mir gefällt der Wii auch, nur für ne Party brauch ich den wirklich nicht...
Wenn da dann noch Alk im Spiel ist, würde ich dauernd fürchten, dass mir jemand den Controller durch die Gegend schmeißt anstatt ihn ordentlich zu schwingen ^^
Und so am Rande: ich benutze meinen PC seitdem ich die xbox 360 habe auch nur mehr zum Internet-surfen, für Spiele fehlt für mich auch das "Feeling" am PC und außerdem ists unbequem :biglaugh:


Mittwoch, 10. Mai 2006, 22:14

Trauriges Ende einer Konsole:

Der Gamecube geht, na Gott sei Dank, niemand wird ihn vermissen, -
drum rat ich ihm zum Abschied nun er soll sich schnell verpissen.

Endlich ist dieser Mist vorbei, niemand hielt ihn für wichtig. -
Auf seinem Grabe liest man nur: "Hier parkste richtig!".

Kaum gute Games, nur Nummer drei, was sollte uns das sagen? -
Der Gamecube war und ist und bleibt einfach weit abgeschlagen.

Als nächstes Folgt der fünfte Streich, der Fachmann nennt ihn Wii. -
Technisch schon jetzt ne Katastrophe, Nintendo lernt es nie!

Gamecube R.I.Wii.


irgendwie lol, das hab ich aus nem anderem Forum
Most Wanted Games:

Alan Wake
Forza 3

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »LukeDuke« (10. Mai 2006, 22:16)



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Donnerstag, 11. Mai 2006, 11:33


Original von LukeDuke
Trauriges Ende einer Konsole:

Der Gamecube geht, na Gott sei Dank, niemand wird ihn vermissen, -
drum rat ich ihm zum Abschied nun er soll sich schnell verpissen.

Endlich ist dieser Mist vorbei, niemand hielt ihn für wichtig. -
Auf seinem Grabe liest man nur: "Hier parkste richtig!".

Kaum gute Games, nur Nummer drei, was sollte uns das sagen? -
Der Gamecube war und ist und bleibt einfach weit abgeschlagen.

Als nächstes Folgt der fünfte Streich, der Fachmann nennt ihn Wii. -
Technisch schon jetzt ne Katastrophe, Nintendo lernt es nie!

Gamecube R.I.Wii.


irgendwie lol, das hab ich aus nem anderem Forum

so sind se die fanboys von anderen konsolen ^^

ich find pc gamen viel bequemer :)
1. ich sitze in meinem coolen "sessel", zweitens kann ich spielen wann ich will. meine freundin kann nie meckern, dsa sie kein fern gucken kann :) und wenn ich wie am WE, FEAR spiele, schließe ich den PC an meinem LCD und das rockt mehr als das es nur rockt ^^ :)



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Donnerstag, 11. Mai 2006, 16:17

Ich hab auf dem Gamecube immer sehr gerne gezockt!
Schade, daß er sich nicht gegen die PS2 und Microsoft Kohle richtig behaupten konnte! X(

Aber das mit dem TV und der Freundin ist ein ganz Entscheidender Faktor für den PC als Zockerhardware!

Ich stell mir das gerade mal vor, mitten in der Endphase bei einem GT Legends Rennen kommt meine Dame rein und sagt:" Umschalten, jetzt kommte Marienhof!"




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Donnerstag, 11. Mai 2006, 16:23


Original von Mr.Blond
Ich hab auf dem Gamecube immer sehr gerne gezockt!
Schade, daß er sich nicht gegen die PS2 und Microsoft Kohle richtig behaupten konnte! X(

Aber das mit dem TV und der Freundin ist ein ganz Entscheidender Faktor für den PC als Zockerhardware!

Ich stell mir das gerade mal vor, mitten in der Endphase bei einem GT Legends Rennen kommt meine Dame rein und sagt:" Umschalten, jetzt kommte Marienhof!"

hehe oder verliebt in berlin ^^ :D
doch dann kan man auch wiederum sagen^^ die xbox am monitor anschließen ^^ hatte ich auch, aber das war wirklich nciht das wahre.

nun ist es entgültig, b0Nsi = NINTENDOFAN!!! :D


Donnerstag, 11. Mai 2006, 16:46

Naja ich spiel über nen PC Flatscreen...da is nix mit Fernsehen drüber, also kein Problem mit Freundin :D



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Donnerstag, 11. Mai 2006, 16:48


Original von Mo Metal
Naja ich spiel über nen PC Flatscreen...da is nix mit Fernsehen drüber, also kein Problem mit Freundin :D

hab ich doch gesagt ^^
dazu fällt dann das gemütlichere zocken vom bett aus weg, oder haste den am bett? dann ist es aber doch etwas sehr klein oder?^^

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »b0Nsi« (11. Mai 2006, 16:49)


Donnerstag, 11. Mai 2006, 17:26

Nintendo spent Wednesday afternoon fouling up our meticulously planned Wednesday evenings here in Los Angeles by keeping us tied up in an hour-long press conference to unveil Super Smash Bros. Brawl, as you may already have read about. Still, it was their own party in West Hollywood they were forcing us to miss, so perhaps there's no harm done.

In any event, you'll probably feel it was worth it for the unusual opportunity to hear Shigeru Miyamoto and Masahiro Sakurai, formerly of HAL Labs and currently employed by Nintendo to develop Smash Bros., answering a number of questions Nintendo had collected during the day from heavily embargoed journalists.

Miyamoto began the evening session by smilingly getting everyone in the audience to say "Wii" together, which we duly did. He went on to reiterate Nintendo's three-pronged strategy to attract new gamers, reinvigorate old ones, and keep the core happy at the same time, arguing that Nintendo was no longer in competition with Sony and Microsoft but with other forms of entertainment entirely - and that in taking these on it would expand the gaming audience.

He pointed out that the complexity of controls is overcome by Wii; that in Zelda, you no longer wonder about the inversion of the aiming controls because you just point. He also joked about how poor he was at playing Zelda left-handed. Wii games are almost better for complete newcomers; "We've hit the reset button to play control," he asserted, before launching into the reason for our being there: a slick computer-generated trailer for Super Smash Bros. Brawl, subsequently confirmed as being due out on Wii next year.
Zoom in'Miyamoto and Sakurai on Nintendo Wii' Screenshot 1

Brawl will feature a wide range of characters; those in the trailer were Mario, Kirby, Link, Samus, Pit from Kid Icarus, the Metaknight, Pikachu, Zero Suit Samus, Wario and even a Nintendog. But the biggest cheer was for the next bit - a Metal Gear Solid style codec sequence during which Solid Snake was asked to join in. "Hrmph," he complained to Colonel Campbell, only to reveal that he was actually hiding in the background of a fight, in a cardboard box.

With the game out in the open, Masahiro Sakurai came on stage and talked about his role - how he'd formed a development team with Nintendo employees after Satoru Iwata asked him to develop the game. Sakurai had previously become independent from HAL Labs, where he made Kirby, and worked on the likes of Meteos with Tetsuya Mizuguchi's Q Entertainment. And from there, with a couple of hundred journalists watching and (in worryingly quite a few cases) struggling to contain their delight and mirth, the pair went on to accept questions from the Nintendo compere. What follows is the transcript. Straight from my fingers to your face.

Nintendo: Now that the Wii is a reality, does it inspire you to revisit some of the old Nintendo franchises that fans have been asking for?

Shigeru Miyamoto: I think it opens up a lot of different possibilities. Obviously one of those was with Kid Icarus and you can see we've come back and recreated Pit in full 3D now. Even if I'm just taking a past game like Starfox and just replacing the control system with the Wii controller opens up a lot of different opportunities and new ideas that we could implement into past franchises and past games, but unfortunately right now I've got so many other brand new ideas that I'd like to bring to fruition first, that I don't think I plan to put my hands on those yet but maybe at some point in the future.

And of course now with the Wii remote you can point directly at the screen and interact with it in that sense, it might be possible that Virtual Console can offer games that could take advantage of that functionality and just change the feel of the game.

Nintendo: What are some of your ideas for the Wii that you haven't shared?

Shigeru Miyamoto: There's not really any new ideas that I'm prepared to talk about here today, but one thing I can talk about is Super Mario Galaxy, which is playable on the Wii right now on the show floor. And one thing I always wanted to do with a Mario game, for many years, is have one player play as Mario and for other players to join in and play, and help out and that sort of thing. And with the way the Wii remote works, given that we can have up to four remotes using the player functionality simultaneously, one thing we're looking at doing for Super Mario Galaxy is allowing for multiplayer that would allow for one player to control Mario with the second, third and fourth players using the Wii remote to help him out, perhaps get in his way - and so we're looking at different ideas with how to work with that. And that sort of functionality implemented into past games could make for some very exciting changes.
Zoom in'Miyamoto and Sakurai on Nintendo Wii' Screenshot 2

Nintendo: How will Super Smash Bros. on the Wii take advantage of the controller?

Masahiro Sakurai: Well I almost feel a little uncomfortable getting this question directly after Mr Miyamoto, but we've actually been working with some different ideas and we've found that trying to implement too much of the pointing device or the motion sensing stuff gets a little bit in the way of the gameplay so rather than just trying to implement too much of that in the game we're trying to keep the control simple as it has been and allow people to play in that sense. Of course you all probably know that the Wii hardware has sockets for the GameCube controller as well so I'll just say now that you may not want to throw away your GameCube controllers just yet.

Mr Miyamoto and Nintendo have encouraged developers to really take advantage of the Wii functionality with the remote and the nun-chuck and the motion-sensing and asked people to really make it an objective to implement that into their games, and so I really look at my role as being to offer something different to what people have offered. In that sense, I'm going in a different direction and trying to come up with something that's more of a standard type of control feature that a lot of you have come to expect. And I think that by having this kind of broadened line-up of functionality, you can appeal to a broad base of users.

Nintendo: [At this point, the Nintendo PR guy on the podium receives a text message. It is very funny, he tells us. It says:] Will Wario have a fart move?

Masahiro Sakurai: Yes he will.

Nintendo: Will the game's roster be expanded to include more Nintendo characters than what we've seen?

Masahiro Sakurai: Of course there are plenty of other characters we're thinking about in particular, none of which happens to be shown today. Actually I almost want to ask everyone here what characters they'd like to see. [Laughter. Someone yells "Sonic", someone yells "Olimar". Someone yells "Master Chief". "Reggie". More laughter. It's a total love-in at this point. We've stopped trying to shield the dictaphone from the whooping laughs of those around us.]
Zoom in'Miyamoto and Sakurai on Nintendo Wii' Screenshot 3

Nintendo: Will the game take advantage of the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, or can you explain if the game will be online?

Masahiro Sakurai: My plan is to include Wi-Fi Connection compatibility and online functionality. Actually one of the primary reasons the Super Smash Bros. game was created was that Nintendo staff both in the United States and in America [we assume he meant the US and Japan - Ed] said that when taking the home console online, the best title to do so would be Super Smash Bros.

But, at the same time, I think it may be a lot of work for us to try to come up with a system that will allow four players to play simultaneously and try to find out who's number one. We're mainly focusing more along the lines of bringing lots of people in together to play simultaneously in perhaps some new and different ways.

Nintendo: It's great to see Zelda now displayed in 16:9. 480p. Will most Wii titles be displayed like that, or will some appear in higher resolutions?

Shigeru Miyamoto: First of all, our standard is going to be 480p, but if you put that on a very nice television it's going to look very nice.

As for the widescreen, you know obviously the Wii is capable of displaying the widescreen. Zelda is a game that displays the widescreen because it makes the game a lot better when you can see more of the world, so in that sense obviously with Zelda we're going to display in widescreen. I think it's really up to the developers in terms of whether they want to use widescreen or not. Because we implemented this fully in the Wii, we at Nintendo tend to take advantage of it as much as we can.

In addition to that, obviously the Wii is much more powerful so when it displays in widescreen... so with a game like Zelda it runs much better in widescreen than it would in three-by-four. So you can expect great things out of that.

Nintendo: What is your current favourite Wii game so far and why?

Shigeru Miyamoto: Actually right now I'm having a lot of fun with tennis. I've been playing it a lot and part of that's because everybody picks the controller up and immediately they know what they're doing and they know how to play and they're all at the same level, but also the gameplay is actually surprisingly deep in terms of what you're able to do with your swing. And so I'd have to say I really enjoy tennis.

Masahiro Sakurai: Actually I've only just played Zelda and Mario today for the very first time, but I did like the plane demo; I thought that was very fun.

Nintendo: How different is the experience of playing Twilight Princess on the Wii versus the GameCube?

Shigeru Miyamoto: In terms of the experience itself obviously the interface is different, so that opens up for a very different experience between the two games. I've actually already gotten used to the Wii controller for Zelda, and because of that I'm incapable of going back. We've already talked about the 16:9 widescreen, which is obviously another difference, and then again if you take the Wii version and played that on the three-by-four television, it's not going to strip down; it'll actually change, it'll cut off the edges of the screen, so that also offers a different experience as well.

Nintendo: With Smash Bros. be a launch title?

Masahiro Sakurai: It will not be a launch title. I've been told that I can say it will launch in 2007, so it will launch in 2007 and you can look forward to it then.

Nintendo: [At this point, the Funny People get involved again, offering the hilarious, "Does Samus have any special fart moves?" Nobody bothers to answer. Perhaps they'll stop.] What were some of the biggest challenges to overcome when developing the Wii hardware?

Shigeru Miyamoto: Well of course for me, you know, working on the Zelda games I wanted to have an interface that's intuitive that uses the least amount of buttons you can have, but still functional, so really for us the biggest challenge was in terms of the controller. Determining how many buttons to have, where to position them - those types of decisions were very challenging.
Zoom in'Miyamoto and Sakurai on Nintendo Wii' Screenshot 4

Nintendo: Could you describe the story for the new Metroid title?

Shigeru Miyamoto: Actually I'm not the producer on Metroid Prime: Corruption this time around. Mr [Kensuke] Tanabe, who has been the producer of the series since Metroid Prime, is handling all of the responsibilities on Metroid Prime: Corruption, so I actually don't know about it, but I think Bill [the translator] might know more than I do. To which I [Bill, the translator, surreally] say actually I don't know. I've played it a little bit but I don't know much about the story. [And now the PR compere gets in on the act, saying, "we'd like to rewind that to say it's a secret". What japes!]

Nintendo: What type of special moves will Solid Snake have [in Super Smash Bros. Brawl]?

Masahiro Sakurai: That's a good question. We thought a lot about what to do with Snake and his moves in Smash Bros. because Snake as you all know is the type of character who in most games is walking around with a gun. Whereas in Smash Bros. I didn't want to try and bring in the real weaponry like guns and rifles that people can get their hands on into the game, so that was a bit of a challenge.

But conversely I thought that if we could use things like rocket launchers and other explosives, that would be fitting for Snake, but also something we could use in a very comedic fashion in the game, and so we're looking at that - and who knows, maybe he'll end up just exclusively using explosives.

And he'll use a cardboard box. [Laughter]
Zoom in'Miyamoto and Sakurai on Nintendo Wii' Screenshot 5

Nintendo: Given that the Wii is such a physical system in terms of body movement, how do you plan to make that appeal to casual players?

Shigeru Miyamoto: When creating games, one thing I often think about is how do people who are playing the game look to people who are watching them play, and so one thing with the Wii controller that I think would be very nice is that when you're actually playing the gameplay itself that who are playing will look like they're having fun, and that what they're doing is very entertaining, and so in that sense people who are watching them play would also want to pick up the controller and also play. So I'm thinking in terms of how I then take advantage of that in creating software that makes it look fun and enjoyable to play the games and not make something that makes people look uncomfortable.

So I think that people have an idea of what it looks like when you're playing videogames, and there's a stereotype that you're in a darkened room, and there's a young kid, and they're sitting in front of a TV gripping a controller, the light of the TV is kind of reflecting on the child's face, and it's kind of a negative image but it's a serious result of playing videogames and I think with the Wii controller we're trying to erase that image.

Nintendo: [This question was, and I'm not making this up, delivered to the PR man on the podium by paper aeroplane.] Why is Wii not an HD system, or why wasn't that the push?

Shigeru Miyamoto: Well I think if you look at the technology that's out there and the companies that Nintendo has partnerships with when creating the system, obviously if we had decided to create an HD system we could have very easily. But if you think about what a videogame is, a videogame isn't just graphics. A videogame is a combination of the interface you use to interact with the game, a combination of the graphics, the sound, perhaps the network, and all these other elements that come together, and creating a brilliant videogame system isn't about just thinking of the abilities of each of these, and we thought at this time going in the HD direction was leaning too much to the graphics.

If you look at the penetration rate of HDTVs, it's really not that high yet. Of course I think five years down the road it would be pretty much a given that Nintendo would create an HD system, but right now the predominant television set in the world is a non-HD set, so rather than target a gaming system at a very specific TV set, we thought it would be better to create a system that allows you to interact with any TV set you have in your home in an entirely new, different way, and even kind of turn that into a toy for your TV that anyone can pick up, interact with and enjoy rather than only the people who have a very high-tech, specific kind of TV set.
Zoom in'Miyamoto and Sakurai on Nintendo Wii' Screenshot 6

Nintendo: Is Mario a launch title?

Shigeru Miyamoto: It is progressing along quite well, but as some of you may have heard, it's often said that when I get involved with a project I upend the tea table, and that tends to delay things. So rather than promise everyone that it would be a launch title right now and then have them break that promise later, I'll just say no for now but say that if it's not a launch title on launch day then it'll definitely be there within the first six months.

Nintendo: Will the single-player of Super Smash Bros. be the same as it was on the GameCube?

Masahiro Sakurai: No, we're going to change it. I think we're going to try and make a single-player mode that people can enjoy a little bit more than perhaps they did on the GameCube.

Shigeru Miyamoto: This is actually something Mr Sakurai and I have had a difference of opinion on since the very first Smash Bros. game. Mr Sakurai always wanted to have a very deep single-player game, and on the N64 version I just said to him, you know, we've got plenty of very deep single-player games, why don't you hurry up and just focus on multiplayer and don't worry about the single-player. And Mr Sakurai said no, no, no, I want to have some kind of single-player in there so I just said well, make it really short so we can focus on multiplayer and get the game done. And we kind of did a little bit of that on the GameCube, but a bit more single-player than that. This time we're getting a lot of time to focus on Smash Bros., plenty of time to develop it, so people can expect a very robust single-player game.
Zoom in'Miyamoto and Sakurai on Nintendo Wii' Screenshot 7

Nintendo: Did Nintendo approach Konami about Super Smash Bros. or was it the other way around?

Masahiro Sakurai: Actually, what really brought about the Snake character was from a conversation I was having back when I was developing the Smash Bros. game for GameCube when Hideo Kojima phoned me and practically begged me to put Snake in the game, saying please, put him in there, I want him in there!

But at that time we were already deep in development and I was thinking I wasn't able to get him in there and that we'd probably be making another Smash Bros. game afterward, so I kind of gave up on the idea and said it's too bad you hadn't brought this up earlier. And that was kind of the end of the story. But when this project came up, because Mr Kojima had contacted me, we reinitiated talks and managed to put Snake in this time.

It's not so much a corporate level discussion but really more on a personal level between myself and Mr Kojima, but obviously a lot of people have been interested in the introduction of other characters in the Smash Bros. games, and Sonic has been brought up many, many times. Part of it is you have to have someone you can trust to take care of your character and do your character good, so we're looking at various possibilities. There are probably possibilities for other third-party characters as well, and it may be that even now there are corporate discussions going on at a high level about what characters to include, but maybe we'll talk to you about that a little bit later.

Right now Snake is the only third-party character that has been confirmed for Super Smash Bros., but I think because we've announced Snake is in Super Smash Bros. that might open up opportunities for other third-party characters to also be included.

But more than anything it's not just about having a character, but about having a character that's going to be fun to have in there.

Nintendo: Who would be the character you'd most like to see in Super Smash Bros. in the future?

Shigeru Miyamoto: Well if there was such a character I would just put them in this version. It's difficult finding the right balance. Everyone has their own opinions about what characters they'd like to see, so that's why I'll be trying to gather as much information as I can from people in terms of what direction to go in.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl is due out on Nintendo Wii in 2007.

Quelle: www.nintendoonline.de

Grasshopper Announces Heroes for Wii - A new game is named from the developer who brought you Killer 7.

May 10, 2006 - Today Japanese developer Grasshopper revealed it is developing an original game called Heroes for Nintendo Wii. The project was mentioned during the game designer panel at the expo and is currently in the works in collaboration with Marvelous Entertainment and Spike. The title was originally planned to be shown at E3 itself, however was removed from th event for unknown reasons.

Readers familiar with Grasshopper will know that the company is best known for its moody GameCube title Killer 7.

Stay tuned to IGN for more details on Heroes from Suda 51 and his team as they develop.

Quelle: www.ign.com

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Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »America`s Most Wanted« (11. Mai 2006, 17:28)

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